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Old March 16th 04, 11:56 AM
Posts: n/a

JJ wrote in message ...
William wrote:

You lie. You were w/o ham capability prior to becoming licensed.

It would be obvious to anyone with more than three working brain cells
that the statement applies to the period in which I hold a valid ham
radio operator's license.

Then why make such broad claims?

You said, "I can say that I have never been without ham radio

Now you're telling me that you really meant to say, "For as long as I
have been a licensed amateur radio operator, I have never been without
ham radio capability."

I think Dick/W0EX used to beat the "I've never been w/o, I'm always
ready for an emergency" drum. But when Hans invited him to operate
his favorite mode (cw), Dick was nowhere to be heard.

So, I'll let you slide on the unlicensed period of your life not being
with ham radio capability. This time. Just don't go broad brushing
your magnificent capabilities again.

Just be sure that should Hans invite you to a CW QSO, you'll be there,
because "For as long as I have been a licensed amateur radio operator,
I have never been without ham radio capability."
