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[email protected] April 10th 05 10:20 PM

sushi,that Mercury poisioning is getting to you.

[email protected] April 10th 05 10:28 PM

The brits say they are going to capture OBL,BUT!,OBL has been DEAD! for
a long time.He couldn't run fast enough dragging that dialysis machine
around with him.bush is the co-prez of Mexico,that's why fed govt isn't
doing much of anything about the illegal immigrants,so the Minuitemen
are showing them how to do it.

Honus April 11th 05 12:55 AM

wrote in message
The brits say they are going to capture OBL,BUT!,OBL has been DEAD! for
a long time.He couldn't run fast enough dragging that dialysis machine
around with him.bush is the co-prez of Mexico,that's why fed govt isn't
doing much of anything about the illegal immigrants,so the Minuitemen
are showing them how to do it.

No, the "Minutemen" are gumming up the works by setting off sensors and
triggering false alarms for the Border Patrol to contend with. They're
becoming more of a hindrance than a help.

David April 11th 05 01:09 AM

On Sun, 10 Apr 2005 16:19:18 -0500, wrote:

Go back to eating your raw fish,Sushi.You are all screwed up!

''They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.''
--Ben Franklin

David April 11th 05 01:14 AM

On 10 Apr 2005 19:29:10 GMT, "-=jd=-"
I'm saying this all a bunch of bull****. Bush doesn't give a rat's
ass about anything besides keeping us all so freaked out we'll let him
do anything, no matter how outrageous, 'cause we're scared like a
bunch of little girls.

Once again, the borders are totally porous; chemical plants and
nuclear facilities are not one bit hardened; and the bulk of the
continental USA is being patrolled by rent-a-cops.

RHF April 11th 05 02:04 AM


Honus April 11th 05 02:33 AM

"RHF" wrote in message
" No, the "Minutemen" are gumming up the works by setting off sensors
and triggering false alarms for the Border Patrol to contend with.
They're becoming more of a hindrance than a help. "
-R- One more 'propagation' of the Liberal Elitist "Big Lie"
and Distortion of the Truth by the Left-Wing Media.
[ So called : Democrat Party of the USA "SPEAK" ]

You engage in more ad hominem than anyone I can think of right now. Have you
ever considered that before? And if you ever call me a Democrat, I'm going
to tell you to **** off. Just so you know in advance; I'd hate to simply
blind-side you with it.

ACTUALLY - It is the ACLU'ers who are Tripping the Alarms in an
attempt to overload and confuse the US Border Patrol and Blame the
US Citizens for the False Alarms.

Really...I'd like to ACTUALLY see the proof of that. How long am I going to
have to wait?

NOTE - The ACLU'ers following the America Citizens who are there to
Help-to-Protect their Borders from this Invasion of Illegal Aliens.

Say, while I'm waiting for you to support that last statement, how about
ponying up some support for the allegation that the ACLU is even out there
tagging along in the first place?

FWIW - The ACLU'ers are 'there' to Protect the Human Rights of the
Illegal Aliens to Illegally Cross the US-Mexican Border and their

Like it or not, in this fine country -everybody- has rights of some sort.
That includes pedophiles, politictians, non-citizens, illegal aliens, and
even Al Patrick and cuhulin. Quit bitching about one of the things that
makes this country great; It only makes you look like your head's up your
ass. Other people's mileage may vary, of course.

agenda is to HARASS the Lawful US Citizens.

Bull****. They have better things to do. Hell, they may even have worse
things to do. But one thing's for sure, the Minutemen aren't going to let
the ACLU tag along. And while we're on the subject, why don't you tell us a
little bit about those sensors. You can start with, oh, are they even
detecable if you don't know where to look? (Or rather, dig.) And how do the
Minutement manage to avoid tripping the various types of sensors that the
ACLU is deliberately setting off? Do they float aove the ground? Are they
invisible to thermal imaging devices? (God, I feel like I'm arguing with Al
Patrick.) By the way, I'm quite sure that deliberately setting off these
sensors is an arrestable and actionable offense. Have you considered
forwarding your evidence to the proper authorities? Every indication that
I've seen shows that the Feds believe it's the Minutemen doing it
accidentally; I'm sure they'd love to have proof otherwise.

Unless, of course, they're in on it.

just the facts ~ RHF

Al? Is that you?

[email protected] April 11th 05 03:07 AM

In my Opinion,illegal aliens already in America and illegal aliens
Invading America have NO!!! Rights at ALL!!! (read the Geneva
Conventions) If I was the prez of U.S.A.... I would Protect our American
Borders by whatever means necessary!!! America is being invaded by
terrorist and illegal aliens and to me,, That Is An Act Of WAR.

RHF April 11th 05 01:06 PM


David April 11th 05 02:53 PM

On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 04:18:39 GMT, Telamon

In article .com,

I rather take my chances with the terrorists than live in a Bush police


What an amazingly ignorant thing to post. This just shows your political
bias or lack of intelligence.

Actually, your reply shows a marked lack of understanding the
principles and history of this country. Tyrants always use fear to
consolidate power.

All that is required of you, for them to succeed, is that you play

Honus April 11th 05 03:24 PM

"RHF" wrote in message
You Want Facts - Then deal with the simple fact
that you made the original unsupported statement :
" No, the "Minutemen" are gumming up the works by setting off
sensors and triggering false alarms for the Border Patrol to
contend with. They're becoming more of a hindrance than a help. "
Just because you say it : Does not make it so [.]
Just because you heard it propagated by certain so called
major media sources : Does not make it so [.]

I can provide sources for my information which makes it substantiated, even
if it's from the Feds. You've given me nothing...yet you presume to correct
me, and maintain that -your- statement is fact.

You used and 'stressed' in Quotation Marks the
Liberal Hot-Button Code Word : [ "Minutemen" ].

You're paranoid. I put the word in quotation marks because these guys aren't
true Minutemen. They aren't Founding Fathers, either. Those titles are (in
my mind) reserved for other individuals. And as far as being a Liberal hot
button code word, who's sourcing you your ganja? How can it be a hot button
code word when that's what these guys are calling themselves?

[ "Minutemen" ]
The implication being that these US Citizens who are
'trying' to Helping to Protect Our Borders are nothing
more then a bunch of Right-Wing-Kooks.

I didn't say that. Quit putting words into my mouth.

You simply repeat
the 'canned' Message {Propaganda} of the Liberal Media
and Left-Wing Political Activist who are out to undermine
the Sovereignty of Our Country.

I haven't repeated anything but the Federal Government's claim that the
people in question are drawing away resources whenever the Border Patrol has
to investigate false alarms. Unless you want vigilantes to take over the
system entirely, you need to let some of these civil servants do their jobs.
People who make false alarms to the police and fire departments go to jail,
and there's a good reason for that. I don't think they're doing a good
enough job, but it appears that the so-called Minutemen aren't helping,
they're hindering. I'm still waiting to hear how these guys are evading the
sensors that the ACLU is deliberately tripping. This is exactly what I meant
when I said you're sounding like Al Patrick. You love the conspiracy so
damned much that you can't even consider the fact that the story you heard
doesn't stand up to simple reason...and yet you can't imagine abandoning it
for something that does, or just abandoning it period.

PATRIOTS "America's Home Guard" :
Where you see [ "Minutemen" ] : I See Patriots who are
America's Home Guard trying to Help to Defend 'their'
Country from a Foreign Invader made-up of a continued
Mass Migration of Illegal Aliens.

What makes you think that -I- don't, other than your usual name calling
knee-jerk reaction to anyone that you -think- disagrees with you? You don't
know what I see when I read about these guys.

For I Believe in America.

For I Believe in the Goodness of Americans.
I Am Proud To Say : I Am An American !
God Bless the America - amen, Amen. and AMEN ! ~ RHF

You've got nasty habit of snipping out unpleasant facts when people pound
your weak arguments back down your throat. How about addressing the points
that I made in that last post, huh? Like about the Declaration of
Independance pointing out that -everyone- has rights, for example...or did
that one make you choke a little after you tried to use the Constitution to
correct me? And speaking of the Constitution, I seem to recall using it to
correct -you-. How about that one? Or have you ever bothered to actually
read the documents?

Brian Hill April 11th 05 04:18 PM

"David" wrote in message
On 10 Apr 2005 19:29:10 GMT, "-=jd=-"
I'm saying this all a bunch of bull****. Bush doesn't give a rat's
ass about anything besides keeping us all so freaked out we'll let him
do anything, no matter how outrageous, 'cause we're scared like a
bunch of little girls.

Scared? Speak for yourself little girl. Quit projecting.


[email protected] April 11th 05 04:38 PM

Some people call it Homeland INsecurity.

MnMikew April 11th 05 06:23 PM

"David" wrote in message

On Sun, 10 Apr 2005 10:44:28 -0500, wrote:

Those union dudes get ticked off about something once in a while and
they bring everything on the U.S.A.Ports to a STOP! I have never worked
at a company before that was union and I never would either.At the
auto/truck/lawnmower factory where I used to work,some of them damn
union assholes tried to get the factory to go union.We voted it down and
OUT! Damn those unions!!!

People in your part of the country are famous for economically
shooting yourselves in the foot for nebulous ideological reasons.

The liberal elitest speaks.

[email protected] April 11th 05 10:23 PM

rickets,, have you ever been to Mississippi before? I bet you
haven't.You just keep on with your sterotyped ideas about Mississippi.I
have lived in three Northern States before (and one foreign Country) and
one other Southern State before.Can you tell us what you think is so
different about Mississippi?

RHF April 12th 05 01:06 AM

MII - How Great-White-North-Cana-Duh-ian of 'you' to say so ~ RHF
. . . . .

David April 12th 05 02:06 PM

On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 16:23:33 -0500, wrote:

rickets,, have you ever been to Mississippi before? I bet you
haven't.You just keep on with your sterotyped ideas about Mississippi.I
have lived in three Northern States before (and one foreign Country) and
one other Southern State before.Can you tell us what you think is so
different about Mississippi?

Whatever it is, you are the poster child for it.

dxAce April 12th 05 02:08 PM

David wrote:

On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 16:23:33 -0500, wrote:

rickets,, have you ever been to Mississippi before? I bet you
haven't.You just keep on with your sterotyped ideas about Mississippi.I
have lived in three Northern States before (and one foreign Country) and
one other Southern State before.Can you tell us what you think is so
different about Mississippi?

Whatever it is, you are the poster child for it.

You are the 'TARD BOY poster child!

Tote it!


RHF April 12th 05 04:06 PM


[email protected] April 12th 05 04:07 PM

Nope.I am not the poster child for Mississippi.If there is such a
thing,I never heard of it before. One or both of those websites has a link
where y'all can order online free,Free,FREE tourism pamplets (and I
think there is a free,Free,FREE video too) about Mississippi.Just click
on the link and input y'alls names and snail mail addresses and it will
show up in y'alls snail mail boxes for free,Free,Free,FREEBIE.Don't
y'all just love FREEBIES? It won't cost y'all anything at all.Whether or
not they snail mail to canaDUH or not,I don't know about that,you can
email them and ask them.I once ordered that stuff and I snail mailed it
to that married Irish woman wayyyyyy over yonder across the big pond
about three years ago.

Honus April 12th 05 06:05 PM

"RHF" wrote in message
" I can provide sources for my information which makes it
substantiated, even if it's from the Feds. "
-R- So... Where Are All Your Sources to Support
your 'original' statement :
- - - Note the 'original Post Reads - - -
" No, the "Minutemen" are gumming up the works by
setting off sensors and triggering false alarms for the
Border Patrol to contend with. They're becoming more
of a hindrance than a help. "
-R- So Show Me The Facts - - - waiting, Waiting. WAITING !

Oh, as if you've asked me for cites and I haven't been willing to give them!
What kind of game are you trying to play here? You haven't answered or
addressed a sinlge point that I've made. Does everyone have rights here in
the US, despite your attempt to claim otherwise? How do the Minutemen not
set off sensors that the ACLU sets off? Etc, ad nauseum.

No matter. Here's some help for you.

You used and 'stressed' in Quotation Marks the
Liberal Hot-Button Code Word : [ "Minutemen" ].

" You're paranoid. I put the word in quotation marks
because these guys aren't true Minutemen. "
-R- How can I be 'paranoid' if your very words prove
my point that you used the word [ "Minutemen" ]
as a Liberal Hot-Button Code Word [.]

Go back and reread the conversation, not that you'll understand it any
better the second time around. It's not a Liberal Hot-Button Code Word if
they use the word themselves. By that definition it can't be Liberal.
It -can- become a hot-button...I disagree with their use of it, for one
example. And it sure can't be a code word if everyone who speaks English
knows what it means.

" I didn't say that. Quit putting words into my mouth. "
-R- I "Quote" your own words back to you and
you say that I am puting words into your mouth ?
" your usual name calling knee-jerk reaction to anyone "
* " if you ever call me a Democrat, I'm going to tell you to **** off.
* " Quit bitching "
* " Bull**** "
-R- I guess to you the words Democrat, Liberal and Left-Wing
are a higher form of 'personal attack' then your own use of the
language with respect to others.

My use of profanity has not once been directed at -you- as a person. So yes,
you calling someone Democrat, Liberal, Left-Wing is a worse form of personal
attack than my saying bull**** in response to bull****. Your name calling is
directed at people, and while they might actually be Democrats, it's the
"inflection" behind your words that make it a personal attack rather than
just naming groups that the poster may identify with. Hey, say it with a
sneer if you'd like; I don't care. Call names, even. Sometimes it's fun, as
you well know. And personally, I don't think that ad hominem is such a bad
thing as long as you can back up the rest of your argument and aren't
calling names just to change the subject. What I have a problem with is
sancitmonious people that live in glass houses while they throw rocks at

And while I'm on the subject, I've never once once voted for a Democrat in
my life. And with a few notable exceptions, I do vote. Call me something
else if you want to call me a name.

honus - enjoy your radios ~ RHF

I will. Enjoy your distorted view of reality.

Honus April 12th 05 06:18 PM

"David" wrote in message
On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 16:23:33 -0500, wrote:

rickets,, have you ever been to Mississippi before? I bet you
haven't.You just keep on with your sterotyped ideas about Mississippi.I
have lived in three Northern States before (and one foreign Country) and
one other Southern State before.Can you tell us what you think is so
different about Mississippi?

Whatever it is, you are the poster child for it.

Great. Now I've got banjo vs. guitar music stuck in my head.

Brian Running April 12th 05 08:06 PM

-R- So Show Me The Facts - - - waiting, Waiting. WAITING !

Hey, as long as you mentioned it, I just wanted to remind you that I'm
still waiting for you to substantiate your claims of "procedural errors"
in the Schiavo trial and appeals.

Pretty doggoned easy to call everyone else a liar, when you don't have
to back up your claims, isn't it?

[email protected] April 12th 05 09:13 PM Who Wrote The Bible Mississippi Trivia

The oldest book in the World,Bible Manuscript,is here in
Mississippi,University of Mississippi.And,it is going to STAY THERE too!

Honus April 12th 05 11:21 PM

"Brian Running" wrote in message
.. .
-R- So Show Me The Facts - - - waiting, Waiting. WAITING !

Hey, as long as you mentioned it, I just wanted to remind you that I'm
still waiting for you to substantiate your claims of "procedural errors"
in the Schiavo trial and appeals.

Pretty doggoned easy to call everyone else a liar, when you don't have
to back up your claims, isn't it?

I'm starting to realize that this is standard operating procedure for RHF.

Honus April 12th 05 11:37 PM

"RHF" wrote in message
Honus - - - Minuteman Project "Observers" {ACLU} :
"Various media representatives and American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) observers are also in the patrol zone attempting to observe
Minutemen volunteers at work. ACLU observers set off Border Patrol
ground movement sensors while watching MMP volunteers. The MMP
initially arranged monitoring positions with the U.S. Border Patrol; it
was confirmed that if MMP observers stayed within predetermined
stationary areas, sensors would not be triggered. However, ACLU
observers and some media have been walking up washes in order to
observe MMP volunteers, and in doing so, have set off Border Patrol

Thank you. So we see that the ACLU is in the field observing. Good for you
for providing that, and good for them for what they're doing. We are, after
all, a nation of laws. And those laws need to be followed when we're
apprehending bad guys, wouldn't you agree? After all, as I so clearly
demonstrated (in your face) even the illegals have rights.

duh - need i say more demo-dude ~ RHF

Yes. You can address all of the points that I've made in my last few points.
You know...the ones that show you for what you are. You're allegation was
that the ACLU was -intentionally- tripping sensors that the Minutemen were
avoiding. That's the root issue here. Address it.

Here's what you said:

"ACTUALLY - It is the ACLU'ers who are Tripping the Alarms in an
attempt to overload and confuse the US Border Patrol and Blame the
US Citizens for the False Alarms. "

The article that you cited does NOT support your initial allegation. My
cites, however, are from Border Patrol sources. And so it seems that the
Minutemen aren't following the ground rules that you're article says have
been laid out.

One more thing: Wikipedia, while a fun site that I myself frequent, is -not-
the most credible source for information. The article that you cited can be
edited by anyone, including myself, and the changes are immediately visible.
That's what the "Edit this page" tab is for at the top of the article. I
could have changed the article to read whatever I chose it to say. For that
matter, you could have written the article yourself. g You might want to
bear that in mind the next time you try to cite it as an authoritative
source. I played along, but someone else without my good nature might ram it
back down your throat. I also suggest that you check up on just what
Wikipedia is and how it works. See for yourself.

RHF April 13th 05 02:06 AM

Honus - You have yet to offfer one printed word
in support of your 'original' False Statement.

Honus April 13th 05 02:18 AM

"RHF" wrote in message
Honus - You have yet to offfer one printed word
in support of your 'original' False Statement.

I gave you a google link. What more do you want, a notarized statement? I
provided quite a bit of support. You've provided nothing to prove that my
statement was false. I never claim victory in Usenet debates, but this time
I'll make an exception. Over the last couple of days, you've gotten your ass
kicked. You'd have a lot more credibility if you would quote all of my
points, addressing them in turn, rather than leaving in only the stuff that
you -think- you can handle. Just because you snip it doesn't mean it goes
away, that I forget that I've made the point, or the fact that you can't
handle the heat.

" No, the "Minutemen" are gumming up the works by
setting off sensors and triggering false alarms for the
Border Patrol to contend with. They're becoming more
of a hindrance than a help. "
Again - So Show Me The Facts - - - waiting, Waiting. WAITING !

Try holding your breath for about 6 minutes or so.

enough said ~ RHF

Good advice, if you'd bother to take it. Your hole's deep enough as it is.

RHF April 13th 05 04:16 AM

Honus - Yours was the first unsupported statement [.]

Honus April 13th 05 04:31 AM

"RHF" wrote in message
Honus - Yours was the first unsupported statement [.]
And a "GOGGLE THIS" reply is like Extending the
Back of your Hand with the Middle Finger Extended = mlm
You have been given Three Opportunities
to Support your 'original' False Statement :
1, 2 and 3 = Three Strikes and You're Out !
game over - i win ~ RHF

Very weak, RHF. You lost before you even began.

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