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Old October 29th 03, 11:12 PM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Dave Heil wrote in message ...
Len Over 21 wrote:

In article , Dave Heil

Len Over 21 wrote:

In article ,


In article , Robert Casey


How would you know, Leonard? You aren't a radio amateur.

I'm a PROFESSIONAL in radio, been one a helluval lot longer
than you and done far more.

Well...there we have it...

Lennie did it first or did it better...The WHOLE gist of his

I'm impressed with your PROFESSIONAL status, Len. You've been a
professional in radio longer because your were born earlier. As to
whether you've done more, you have no way of knowing. That said, my
comment was that you aren't a radio amateur. That statement is still
completely accurate.

Accuracy is not one of Lennie's prefered traits. Being accurate
meand ruining his rants, and he can't have that!

Poor baby, got your state department shorts all knotted up?

Why are you interested in my underwear? It would seem, Poor Baby, that
you are upset about not being part of the amateur radio crowd.

He's REALLY upset that we do, WHAT we do and HOW we do it better
and without his "leadership".

Of course if we all followed Lennie's style of "leadership", we'd
be sucking on "Flavor-Ade" in a South American jungle commune.

2) Some hams are not in a position to have an HF station

No excuse. Real hams get on HF and work DX with CW.

So far, you're the only individual making such statements. How would
you know? You aren't involved in amateur radio.

I'm not eager to "get involved" with working DX on HF with CW.

I didn't write anything about your eagerness. I wrote that you are the
only person making such statements and I asked how you'd know. You
aren't involved in amateur radio.

You didn't expect a direct answer to a specific question, did
you, Dave...?!?!

That was done over a half century ago by others.

It was done last night by others. When you write of anything involving
amateur radio, it is all done by others.

Amateurs, and I use that in its most pejorative appelation, LIKE YOU
insist on reliving the past so that you can claim "pioneer" status when
you've never done a damn thing in that regard, including your famous
claim of "using CW as an order wire on an RTTY circuit in the 1980s"
while at state.

I've never claimed pioneer status in amateur or professional radio.
I don't live in the past and am currently quite active as a radio

Ya ever notice that Lennie is always quick to cite how he did
things "back when", followed by a rant about how we should respect him
for it, yet when an Amateur licensee does it, we are the "Archaic
Radiotelegraphy Service"...?!?!

Is it just me, or is he a two-faced twit?

3) Some hams are not that interested in the relatively small amount of
additional privileges an Extra provides

Tsk, tsk, tsk, no "service traditions of honor, glory, and reward..."


What do you mean, "Huh," dumbass? You can't read standard
English? You want me to type slower so you can lip-read as
the letters appear? TS.

I read standard English just fine, Len. Maybe you could start writing
some instead of including phrases which read like the rantings of some
demented homeless person.

And please note Lennie's growing dependence on profanity in order
to express his "opinion"...

On the otherhand I noticed not one such epithet was used by
Dave in reference to Lennie.


4) Some hams have lost interest completely

OBVIOUSLY not real hams.

As defined by one not remotely involved in ham radio?

As defined by idiots like yourself who only want to attack people,
not subjects.

You wrote the phrase, Len. I didn't make such a definition so the
sentence above makes no sense.

Heil, all you have left is Personal Attack of anyone who displeases

That's your mode, Len. It applies to anyone or any entity not in
agreement with your views.

Typical dictatorial prussian.

Neither applies to me. Maybe you could uses complete sentences and
communicate what you mean.

Lennie refers to Dave's observations as "Personal Attack"
(capitalized, as if a formal program), yet in that exchage Lennie
refered to Dave as a "dumbass", and "idiot", and a "dictatorial

Wonder how Lennie will defend THAT conduct.

I can't get inside minds to find out how
terribly deluded some are, like yourself, all caught up in the "service"
aspects of a mythical "service" when all you are doing in enjoying
your hobby.

No you can't get inside minds, Lamont Cranston. I'm enjoying my hobby
but you aren't. You're not even involved in my hobby.

It's not "mythical" to FEMA, the Department of State, The
American Red Cross, the International Red Cross, Salvation Army

I suppose now you are going to come back with having to be a believer
in the ARRL bull****. It will be some kind of stinky bull**** regardless.

Your words are becoming less rational, old timer.

Even more profanity. And more frequent typographical errors.

5) Some hams haven't yet heard about the rules changes, or don't


Inconcievable in an activity that is all about communication.

It isn't any worse than a fellow who passes himself off as a
"professional" writer and who can't spell "inconceivable".

YOU are NOT paying for any of this, dumbass.

No, I'm not paying. I wouldn't pay for the disjointed, inaccurate,
misspelled rantings of some old fellow with inadequate knowledge of the
subject matter.

Even more profanity. Sheesh.

Why don't you go
form a league of newsgroup Kops who argue minutae of typos
such as prissy Parson Jimmie?

Oh, your errors consist of more than typos, Len. Trouble is, as
fascinating as you are, we can't drum up enough support for

Is there enough bandwidth for it, Dave?

What do you know of the schedule and location of amateur radio exams in
relation to the location and schedules of those who may desire to

Who the hell cares about YOUR judgemental non-talents, Oberst

I didn't make a judgement. I asked a question.

"...judgemental non-talents..."

Is it me, Dave, or is this creep reaaaaaaaly stretching things to
find something he can hang on to...?!?!

All you care to do is PICK FIGHTS, flame fests, so you can appear
triumphant even in losing.

Ahh, but Len, those are your specialties, despite your repeated claims
to only desire civil debate.

Gee...I thought "dumbass", "idiot", "dictatorial prussion" and
"prissy Parson" were all accepted terms in civil debate, Dave...You
mean they AREN'T...?!?!

They were probably getting on the air and operating. What were you
doing for those several decades during which you've declared an interest
in amateur radio?

WORKING for a living IN radio and electronics, dumbass,doing PROFESSIONAL work...

Using profanity in the conduct of "civil debate" is

Did any of that preclude your taking part in amateur radio? Many,
including myself have found time for both though few of us ever found it
necessary to write "PROFESSIONAL" when describing our work.

Usually people who have to add those adjectives themselves have
some sort of perception of failure.

They are usually right.

applying for patents and gettin one,

Others here have done the same but have found the time to become
licensed hams. None of them have spent time frequently blowing their
horns about a patent. You have.

A lady friend of mine obtained a patent for a propoese new-style
flower urn for grave markers that wouldn't overturn.

Took her an hour drawing her idea and $700 for the patent

I have a patent pending for a device which will help to reduce
the incident of urinary tract infections in debilitated, diaper
wearing patients.

Can I crow like a rooster and use profanity to get my point
across if a patent is issued to ME...?!?!

going farther along the EM spectrum in radio communications than is legal for US amateurs.

How does that preclude obtaining an amateur license?

It doesn't. Just more fodder for Lennie's rhetoric cannon.

Design engineering, you dumbass, not sitting around
shoveling bull**** about being some hobbyist in off-hours
pretending to
be a radio pioneer and "in the service of your country" by beeping

So it appears that your decades-long declared interest in amateur radio
is a sham. Your rambling, disjointed statement shows your lack of
regard for those who are radio amateurs.

Not to mention an overwhelming lack of SELF respect for himself,
since he at once claims to be a "professional", interested solely in
"civil debate" of the code test issue, but then spins his wheels
making these obvioulsy infalmmatory personal attacked laced with
profanity and mistruths.

You LOST it Heil.

I lost it? Reread your own rant above.

You don't have the proper prussian arrogance for
an oberst anymore. You are demoted to just a feldwebel, a minor-rank
NCO, in a fantasy life as a United States Morse Codist (USMC).

Semper foo, herr feldwebel

Is this the part where we're reduced to being your mere playthings,

If it was, Dave, he failed.

If ever there was an overwhelming source of evidence of
UN-professionalism, it can be found in his own rants. Lennie
continues to be his own worst enemy.


Steve, K4YZ