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Old February 1st 04, 10:29 PM
Richard Clark
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 1 Feb 2004 15:48:43 -0600, "John Smith"

Thanks, Richard. I didn't know the meaning of the word Troll until now.

Well, actually you have been conned by the bait and switch.

I asked for an explanation but, well, you saw his answer:

"Obviously not. You're miles away from the right ball park.

And you are using the wrong formula for the resonant frequency of a
transnmission line anyway."

That is the troll. Reggie likes to rail against software - except his
own. He likes to rail against citing authorities - until he gushes on
about Lord Plushbottom. He absolute fulminates against passivity in
learning - and then offers software without divulging the concrete
fundamentals behind them. Then there are the side topics where he
regales how he is the only Brit to have lost WWII to the Americans.

It seems to me that he could have at least let us in on his formula. If he
doesn't want to share knowledge with the group, and if he is not a troll,
why does he bother to post?

About the only consistent advice you could expect are his reports of
the metaphysical clarity of view in looking through the bottom of a
wine bottle.

Oh, well. I guess the best thing is to ignore him.

And miss all this comedy? Residency comes from time and experience!
When Reggie showed up in this group, he was preceeded by one of his
countrymen from the UK amateur newsgroup begging our indulgence for
his advanced years and eccentric habits. Somehow there was the
breathlessness of "he's yours now" in that plea. ;-)

Anyway, taken over the average of his arguing both sides of an issue,
you will come away with something and unlike others who mince about,
Reggie can actually write code and offer results from first

Richard Clark, KB7QHC