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Old February 2nd 04, 12:56 AM
John Smith
Posts: n/a

"Tdonaly" wrote in message
John Smith wrote,

Thanks, Richard. I didn't know the meaning of the word Troll until now. I
asked for an explanation but, well, you saw his answer:

"Obviously not. You're miles away from the right ball park.

And you are using the wrong formula for the resonant frequency of a
transnmission line anyway."

It seems to me that he could have at least let us in on his formula. If

doesn't want to share knowledge with the group, and if he is not a troll,
why does he bother to post?

Oh, well. I guess the best thing is to ignore him.

John, KD5YI

Actually, some of Reg's stuff is close enough to be pretty good. He

like to give us any symbolic derivations, though. Maybe he's ashamed of

Anyway, like everyone else on this newsgroup, you can take him or leave

Tom Donaly, KA6RUH
(PS You've just learned a valuable lesson about grouchy old Brits.)

Thanks, Tom, and you, too, Richard. I appreciate the heads-up.

John, KD5YI