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Old November 16th 03, 10:09 PM
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"N2EY" wrote in message
In article , "Kim W5TIT"


I am
shopping for a new home and my husband and I have decided what we are
comfortable spending, what we need and desire in a new place, what kind

interest rate we'll accept, and what payment we want.

Weren't you folks having a place built, Kim? Or are we talking about the


No, no! We're not having a place built...we are ordering a manufactured
home (trailer, whatever-you-want-to-call-it). We are all set with land, and
explored building. But, for some reason, neither of us is particularly
interested in dealing with having one built (there's not one good experience
we've ever had relayed about dealing with builders...LOL).

Know what? One
mortgage company so far has told us, "you have a lot of room to move,"
meaning that we can get into something much bigger and more expensive

we are looking for. They seem shocked that we aren't interested in
"maxxing" out our limit!!

Sure. I've encountered that, too, in all sorts of transactions, Their

focus is
very narrow. And their fees and commissions are based on the selling


And note that reselling mortgages is pretty standard, so the people who

you the house and mortgage won't be holding the bag if you do default.

Yep, we've already been told as soon as the "deal is done," the mortgage
will be sold.

And, you're right about bankruptcy, too. When I said to a lender that we
weren't comfortable with the expense they were suggesting, they said we
could afford it and didn't know what the problem was.

Of course not. It's not their money or their house!

Or the accomplishment of having excellent credit!

I told them I think
about things like potentially losing my job or my husband losing his.

come back was that we always have bankruptcy available!!!

Now *that's* a new one! ;-)

Point is that the lenders &tc won't protect us from ourselves. *We* have

to do

73 de Jim, N2EY

Precisely what we're doing...