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Old February 6th 04, 04:48 AM
James Brennan
Posts: n/a

As a younger Ham (27), who could have gone no-code, I say keep the code.
It's a right of passage, plus the ability to send/receive means multipliers
on contest weekends... hi hi.

I know a no-code who can't ground an antenna.

I know a no-code who has built several homebrew rigs that all work

The lack of code in liscensing has NOTHING to do with actual mechanical
ability, it has to do with REALLY wanting to be a part of a fraternity that
can and does do a lot of good not only for the local communtiy, but the
international one as well.

While I will agree that the hobby of amateur radio has a shrinking
population (due largely in part to what sent you this message... the
internet) and needs some revitalization, lessening the requirements is not
the way to do it. Why not promote ARES or RACES. Some of the most fun I've
ever had was volunteering in St. Charles county Missouri back in 1993 when
2/3 of the county was under water. I got to see a lot of things and go a
lot of places that the average "civilian" wouldn't be allowed to go. THAT'S

At the same time, younger members of the community should not be shunned as
me and my friends were by certain hams just because of our age. We used to
get run off repeaters at 3 am on Friday nights because we were "keeping
people up." TURN OFF YOUR RIG WHEN YOU'RE ASLEEP!!! We were told it was
because of our age... "no 16 yr. old could possibly have a clue." THAT'S
NOT NEAT! To this day, there are local hams who won't talk to me when I
call "monitoring" on 2 meters just because of who I am... a grudge based on
age held for 11 years... ???

At the same time, I"ve made some of my best friends by trolling VHF/UHF
(even though HF is my true love). My first directional 10m antenna was
given to me by a guy who was impressed that I had a confirmed QSO from
Kwajellain Atoll. No I break pile-ups on a regular basis. Thanks Scott.

Anyway... that's my 2 cents...

KB0JNF (I'm PROUD of my novice callsign)
James Brennan

PS what is echolink? That takes all the fun out of a contact...