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Old May 27th 04, 06:53 AM
Jack Twilley
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"Dee" == Dee D Flint writes:


Dee Mike, it sounds like you are confusing band plans and regulated
Dee segment divistions. The HF bands have segments where only CW and
Dee data modes are allowed by regulation. Phone and slow scan TV
Dee cannot be used at all in those segments. However there is the
Dee "gentleman's agreement band plan" layered on top of that. For
Dee example, in the CW/data portion, RTTY is operated in certain
Dee segments by agreement. Up in the phone portions, the SST
Dee enthusiasts operate in certain segments by agreement. If new
Dee hams try to operate voice outside the voice segments on HF, they
Dee will not only be in violation of the bandplans but will be in
Dee violation of FCC regulations, which could cost them their
Dee licenses.

Hmm. Any chance you could provide some citations for these
"gentleman's agreements"? I do not doubt their existence, I'd just
like to find some online pointers to them. Recently I had to ask
around where to find some RTTY so I could test my setup -- if I'd
known about these agreements, I'd have a better chance of finding it
on my own. Also, I'd like to avoid accidentally operating on a
portion of the band which is traditionally for a different type of
mode -- I'm more likely to get a response from a CW CQ if I'm not
calling on the RTTY portion, etc.

Dee Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

- --
Jack Twilley
jmt at twilley dot org
http colon slash slash www dot twilley dot org slash tilde jmt slash
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