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Old June 21st 04, 03:39 PM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: BPL - UPLC -Repeat the lie three times and claim it for truth
From: Robert Casey
Date: 6/20/2004 8:37 PM Central Standard Time

Steve Robeson K4CAP wrote:

And replace him with who? John Kerry? A guy who sat side-by-side with
this Nation's disgrace, Jane "Hanoi" Fonda...?!?!

Did he? Heard that that photo was fake. And it's not like he was
touring Hanoi with her.
For all we know, Jane might have been a CIA spy.

Uh huh.

Both of whom "support the troops" by making public statements that give
aid and comfort to this Nation's foes WHILE we are in conflict with


Vietnam was a stupid war. Now if we had a goal and a strategy that made
any sense, maybe we could have achieved something...

The war wasn't stupid.

Our conduct of it was. You can't take the battle to the enemy, reach a
certain goal, then recede and expect to win.

Where would we have been if we just pushed the German's back to the Rhine,
or if we didn't

George Bush is not the most eloquent speaker and like any other Human
Being, doesn't always get things right...But he's a man of TRUE moral
conviction and honesty. Replacing him with a creep like Kerry would be a
travesty and would send the wrong message to the World.

Problem is that he's trying to skip over that "separation of church and
state" thing.

Hardly, Robert. He's a man of strong moral conviction and I believe him
to be honest in his desire to see a moral reawakening in this country. While I
think that organized religion in it's own right is a scam, the basic tenents of
Christan belief are what built this nation and made it strong.

The ironic thing is that the basic tenents of ALL major religions profess
the same thing, yet all are at each others throats over who's more right or
more devout.

But no nation can exist for any length of time without some basis of faith
and basic moral convictions.

We have already watered down each and every tenent of basic civility until
only the force of law exists. And once we have removed the "roadblocks" of
some basic moral standards, what's left?

This country got rid of one lying, deceiving creep and narrowly avoided
electing another.

But the economy wasn't in the toilet. I didn't care if Bill got a BJ or
not. But he should
have owned up to it in that court of law. "Okay, I did it. You happy
now? Don't
we have more important things to spend time on?" After a month it would
blown over...

The economy was held together by a ton of taxes, Robert. Reagonomics
started us on the road to financial solvency. Clintonomics taxed the
be-jeebers out of us.

Why does GW still claim that Saddam aided Al Queda? Or is it that
Saddam didn't
tell the USA ambassador in Bagdad (or elsewhere) that "Al Queda is
planning an
attack on you guys and I kicked them out of my palace"? Not telling the
about someone hatching a crime conspiracy is illegal.

I agree. That's what happens when you don't have an intelligence network
you can trust in place and have to depend on third party sources. Thanks,
Jimmy Carter.


Steve, K4YZ