Thread: Ping Quitefine
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Old August 26th 04, 09:01 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,

(Quitefine) writes:

Jimmie, cut the crap, you aren't fooling anyone. Except nursie.

The only one here thinking he's "fooling" anyone is YOU, Lennie.

NURSIE angry and babbling again. Tsk.

You're not a licensed Amateur Radio operator.

Never said I was.

I'm a licensed COMMERCIAL radio operator. :-)

Oh, I see your order to GET INTO amateur radio, one
has to be ALREADY IN IT!

Strange point...

You are not a licensed Aviator.

Not necessary for amateur radio...

You are not a licensed healthcare provider at ANY level.

Not necessary for amateur radio...

You are not respected or trusted and that's YOUR doing.

From appearances in this newsgroup, some licensed
amateurs are neither respected nor trusted... :-)

NURSIE is NOT knowledgeable about radio theory, an attribute
considered good in amateur radio.

NURSIE has NO experience in any civil electronics engineering

NURSIE has NO experience background in military HF
communications nor of civilian HF communications work.

NURSIE has NO qualifications in civilian interpersonal
interfacing skills, doesn't play well with others.

NURSIE has an obsessive compulsion to "always be right" and
will rationalize and misdirect far from any logical precept.

It really is THAT simple.

NURSIE is as simple as they come... :-)