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Old April 19th 04, 06:22 AM
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Default Air-America rocks

Super Babe!


Air-America will fail like the Beatles did.

Quote: Guitars? Nobody wants to hear guitars anymore! Unquote, some
record executive in 1962. When the legendary rock band first started
out in the 60's, critics predicted they would fail. I think the
critics were wrong. For 2 decades now, right wing talk radio was an
autarchy. Joe Pine was doing this type of **** way back in the 60's.
The appeal of this type of format was the sadistic rhetoric that was
spewed by the talk jock. Homeless people were ridiculed as stinky
bums. Feminists were portrayed as bull dykes. Environmentalists were
made out to be these tree- hugging nuts. Gays were child molesters.
College professors were Soviet Communists, ad-nauseam! It started out
as a mean-spirted novelty ended up being a well-coordinated propaganda
machine that was financed by rich WASP Republicans. You ever notice
that all right wing talk jocks say the same thing? They may have
different styles, but they sing the same lyrics as composed by Karl
Roves writers. Some claim they are independent or just partisans: DOG
****!!! So AM radio became a Conservative Pravda. All designed to make
you a submissive American. Because Neo-Cons knows what's best for you
and never question it you Anti-American scumbag!
About a year ago, there were rumors of a Liberal radio network. All
the right wing talk jocks were like biblical characters trying to
prevent the birth of Jesus. Abort all pregnant mothers babies. One of
the tactics of the right is to spout out presumptive facts. For
example: Americans don't care about, "Weapons of mass destruction"
anymore. Unless they are the census department, they don't really know
how the totality of the USA thinks. Same thing goes for Liberal radio.
They claimed the public would not listen to voices on the left. Here
comes "Air-America" debuting on March 31 2004. Since they had only 6
stations in the country, the public went to their web site and
streamed their broadcast. They broke an all time record on the net for
streaming. I don't see that happening for clowns like Hugh Hewitt.
Who? So the right wing critics are now saying that the Air-America
network won't last another 18 months. Now it's 18 months! Last week
they predicted 2 weeks! What are they worried about anyway? Ah…the
The lineup is pretty cool. Al Franken, Chuck D, Janeane Garofalo,
and Randi Rhodes! I'm hoping they give Jello Biafra a spot. The
criticism that Liberals are punctilious and full of bonhomie sugar
couldn't be farther from the truth. True, you got your NPR newscasts
and Noam Chomsky, who could put a cokehead to sleep. That's because
intelligence was never meant to be entertaining. Think William F
Buckley. ZZZZZZZZ. Here comes Randi Rhodes! Ululating the crust off
any reactionary ****-head. She's a firebrand that one. And sexy too!
If you think she's boring, you are either in a coma or dead.
Air-America is in the honeymoon stage. That's all I listen to now.
It's so refreshing to hear voices of reason instead of bellowing white
men or sarcastic bimbos on the right. So, it is only reasonable to
say, Air-America is saving talk radio!