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Old March 25th 04, 02:50 PM
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Jim(3carroll@optonline noticed:
i didn't see any reference to freeband freq's just mention of amateur
freq's. wonder if the the fcc is avoiding the gray area concerning
freebanding in this case.

That wouldn't make any difference, would it?

(Jerry) replied:

They are making their case against the sale

and use of these so-called "export" radios

inside the USA. Actually, it WAS the issue of

unlicensed users of the Amateur bands that

caused the curent enforcement emphasis.

Actually, Riley was a quoted on several occasions as saying hammie
*complaints* and local jurisdictions (in regards to HR #whatever) being
informed of their ability to react to interference was the catalyst. I
know you have this thing about truckers interfering on hammie bands, but
the fact of the matter is, a super small percentage of truckers on
hammie bands
was not responsible for any enforcement "emphasis". In fact, the only
"emphasis" appears to stem from self appointed radio kopps on patrol.
The FCC merely follows up on well worded complaints that have shown good
cause. In fact, there is no real "emphasis" on anything at the FCC,
despite your recent contributions. Compare the stats from last year, or
the year before, or the year before that. The hammie busts are the same,
the unlicensed busts didn't budge, and the only FCC radio related
enforcements that have increase in any manner is the amount of fines
levied against commercial radio stations.

Had the "freebanders" stayed out of the ham

bands, I doubt there would be an eyebrow


Your hardon for freebanders is showing, Jerry. Freebanders do not
intrude on hammie bands,,,in the same manner you are loathe to call one
who has a nocode call and acts the ass on usenet and on the air a true
hammie, many operate and feel the same for the term of freebander,
myslef included. Since there are so many, yourself at the foreforont,
hellbent on painting freebanders with a wide brush, this would be a good
time to educate you on that of which you are so deluded.
Freebanders, at least the ones I have come across and associated with
since the seventies, are for the most part, meticulous operators who are
very polite and are comprised of operators, both licensed and
non-licensed, from around the world. They are for the most part,
courteous and non-intrusive. and do NOT intrude on hammie bands, despite
your best attempts at presenting them in the same light as hammie band
invaders. Shame on you for your intentional deceit. You seem a little
put out lately, Jerry. Everything ok?

When the folks start

treading on licensed spectrum, THAT is what

causes the ruckus.


Balderdash. Parts of 11 meter ARE licensed to various entities who have
chosen to abandon their choice of spectrum. Same as a vacant lot..cops
drive by and see a bunch of kids playing football or baseball in a
vacant lot,,,yes, the cops know they can technically arrest the kids for
trespassing, yet they use their sound judgement, as the children are not
damaging anything andthe owner did not compaint, no action is taken.
You are akin to the little old lady who watches unsupervised children
playing a sandlot game and continuolusly calls the cops about the noise
they are making (children laughing) and the remote possibility that your
window MAY get broken.
Thank GOD the FCC adopted a sane approach to such activities and does
not share your position.