Thread: AKC's gayness
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Old May 7th 04, 11:29 PM
Road Warrior
Posts: n/a

Steveo wrote:
You should email Road W and fill him in on that scene, since you know
a little about it. He's bumming. (email me for his email)

I am really bumming about the location. A friend is already at the site,
and he said the location is really bad. IIRC, the words he used were
"creepy - in a ghetto drive-by shooting kind of way". Why would the US
Gummint do that to such a nice group of folks that are just helping them
install their ERP systems? I will be on a street right off of Annapolis
Rd, In Lanham, MD; about a mile from 495.

Hotel sheets, rental cars, late flights, fast food.
What's not to love about consulting?!?!?