Thread: Too Far
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Old December 18th 04, 12:19 PM
Posts: n/a

SideBand wrote:
I thought we were fighting the breaking of rules on the citizen's

service. High power, etc.

I don't think bringing people's family into an argument helps our

just as the keyclowns throwing insults as well as posting things

some old court date helps their cause.
We should be above the gutter talk.

FINALLY! A voice of reason..

Of course, I said the same thing four years or so ago.. didn't change

then, either..

IOW, The AKC are wannabe channelmasters, splots, beepers, and

entertainers, but instead of doing it on the air, they do it here.

Education is a better tack... but none of the "AKC" crowd seem to
realize this.


well chris have you been reading the NG at all you would see steveo and
his sock pals harassing hams in there homes posting personal info etc
we assume you approve of this?

It wouldn't be neighborly for me to refuse his invitation:

From:N8WWM Auntie Keyclown )
Subject: calling out Peepeeholic
View: Complete Thread (4 articles)
Original Format
Date: 2001-08-08 09:09:21 PST

Hey Peepeeholic:
Yes I am in Toledo. I have plenty of down home hospitality for you or
ANY of the other queens in here who wish to stir up some mess.
You wanna come by and visit? I will be delighted to send you back to
the MISTAKE ON THE LAKE with a thought in your mind that it was a real
dumb idea.
Imagine, Peepeeholic...Imagine...You come to my place and star some
junk...I put you face down and hurtin extreme, take pics of you laying
there with a bumped up noggin, and post 'em to the NG. I relish you
coming by. I am good in the callbook, just as I told your wife, the
Have not had this much fun since I used to go cuttin' coax and
building jamming oscillators back when I was 16 yrs old.