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Old August 28th 03, 11:28 PM
Posts: n/a

CW wrote:

If they refuse to sell it to him because he does not have a license, he can
sue. Any business knows this. They will not refuse to sell.

I don't think any businesss has to sell to anyone. Now if they discriminate,
that's another issue, but one can refuse service to anyone one chooses.

"Al Patrick" wrote in message
Most sales outlets will ASK FOR his call sign, though they may not
require it to make the sale. Some will require it.

I have an in dash unit - Sony, with the gap -- and often wish the gap
wasn't there, 9.475, 9.495, 9330, etc. Even though I've really enjoyed
and appreciated the radio I have, I often wish I'd gone the other
route. I have no ssb. Am limited to increments of 5. etc.


CW wrote:

If he wants a a ham transciever, all he hass to do is go down and buy

He just can't legally transmit. That would probably be a good way to go.
Many of them are rather small.
"Al Patrick" wrote in message

Many "hams" get a mobile HF radio with full coverage receive. Since
this unit can also transmit, on the ham bands, it is limited (at least
at most places) to licensed amateur radio operators only.