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Old March 10th 04, 02:42 AM
Posts: n/a

elg110254 wrote:

Have a DX-440 & a DX-398! Both are still going strong! And that 398 has
absorbed thousands of miles worth of bumps-n-bruises along the American River
Bike Trail !!!

Hey, I'm just north of you! Look at my posting "Early morning 49m logs"
just posted today. Too bad they'll be abandoning the parkway because of
budget cuts. The trail is about to get a lot bumpier, and dangerous,
although your average drug addicted thug wouldn't know what to do with a
shortwave radio.

"What's that, Pedro?"
"Uh, it says "ess dubya radio".
"What's it do?"
"I dunno. It gets lots of weird stuff, like people talking in Chinese."
"Does it get The Bomb?"
"Uh, not that I know of."
"Then it's useless. Toss it."
"But does that mean you won't give me any meth for it?"
"Get a Discman, hombre, then we'll talk."

(The Bomb is our local FM rap music station)

Anyway, the guy who got the bad 398 just got unlucky. I used to have a
DX440 and AFAIK it's still working well in its new home with a family of
Ukranian immigrants who use it to get news from their homeland.