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Old May 12th 04, 08:01 PM
Posts: n/a

that's another thing you got wrong. I NEVER said that it required more than a
handful of hams to pull off. As a matter of fact, I said just the opposite.

I said that it was only a few hams who did it

*I* never said you said it. I'm saying that it *DOES* take more than a few hams
to pull off the numerous things you claim happened, whether you believe it or
not. And I'm not saying I don't believe you, but I think to cry foul but not
pursue the criminals is bad for you and me. Posting vague hints at the location
of the perpetrators online is hardly the way to go about busting people who are
doing some pretty terrible things.
But if you don't really care about the license thing (which, we agree, is not
the biggest problem among the crimes committed) then it's none of my business
if you can't/dont want to actually help others by exposing criminals.
You came on here talking about some pretty bad stuff that happened to you, a
number of posts on the same topic, and I found it to be important and wanted to
know more, or at least encourage you to gather the right evidence and see if
you couldn't help others with your story and put away these guys who flaunt the
But you don't seem to be able to come up with any good reason to do anything
more than state the claim, then explain why you couldn't do anything about it
then, or now, and how trying to seek justice would hurt innocent people.
It's all up to you, I just know that if I had experienced the same things you
claim to have experienced, I would have done whatever it took to get them out
of there. Not better than you, just a different view of things, I guess.
I live in an area where a number of people who are victimized by similar crimes
as you have stated, either stop pursuing justice when it gets the littlest bit
tricky, or never bother at all, with the attitude that 'Well, I made my
complaint and if they don't get back to me, they're all a good-ol-boy network
anyway and there's no such thing as 'fair' for the little guy'... and I don't
want to get innocent people in trouble"...
and it's a lame attitude to have, one which I think is bad for the community.
It weakens the very systems we rely on to serve us.
But whatever. I'm sincerely sorry that this stuff happened to you, and wouldn't
wish it on anyone else. I just want to see the jerks get theirs for abusing
their priveledge of serving you and me.
