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Old August 30th 04, 05:18 AM
Johnny Lipps
Posts: n/a

Actually Shippy, I'm not a radio-communications hobbyist, nor am I
interested in the dead-end tribal bickering or demonization of oppposing
views that goes on in this newsgroup. Following mark's random hostility
(a question akin to "When did you stop beating your wife?"), I explained
to my girlfriend what a troll was and her only question, sensibly enough,
was "Why would anybody do that?" Indeed.
I stated from the get-go that I'm looking to tune into broadcasts for
Indonesian music. I provided my background in electronics to convey that
I have an understanding of the fundamentals of radio and that therefore
the typical newbie handholding wouldn't be necessary. I want insight on
gear, and leads on broadcasts. So far I've deleted more bad-faith
political threads and personal attacks than I've read information on
equipment. Uncle Arnie and Mark Holden have been quite helpful, while
most others saw my introduction as another chance to vent their particular
If for some bizarre reason anybody wanted to know anything about me beyond
my interest in radio, they could have asked instead of assuming (as many
apparently did) that my status as a veteran automatically meant that I was
a right-wing android. Since it became apparent that continued involvement
on the board was going to engender senseless snipes, I dropped the thin
veil of anonymity so that if anybody wanted to learn my political views
they could go to my website instead of reading yet another useless post
(which this has now become).

I'm going with the RX-320. Now I have to read up on constructing the best
antenna for an apartment in an urban area.

Ben Hellmann,
Providence, RI

On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 22:56:39 -0400, Jack Painter wrote:

"Johnny Lipps" wrote

website : . Johnny Lipps is my stage name.
Figure if I'm gonna be here awhile, y'all oughta know who you're reading
-- let the recriminations begin).

We still don't know who you are. A poster in radio communications hobbys
refuses to state his name. You're a real SHIPMATE, yep.

Jack Painter
Virginia Beach VA

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