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Old September 23rd 04, 06:03 AM
Richard Clark
Posts: n/a

On Wed, 22 Sep 2004 17:23:22 -0700, Roy Lewallen

Apparently people don't make the association
between "antenna description" and "wires table".

Hi Roy,

So it would seem.

When I open the currents window, I can go to the File menu selection
and perform "save as."

When I open the source data window, I can go to the File menu
selection and perform "save as."

When I open the load data window, I can go to the File menu selection
and perform "save as."

When I open the far field data window, I can go to the File menu
selection and perform "save as."

When I open the near field data window, I can go to the File menu
selection and perform "save as."

When I open the wires data window, I can NOT go to the File menu
selection and perform "save as."

This is a lack of symmetrical design.

When I go to the File menu of EZNEC, I can select "Import Wires from
ASCII Table."

When I go to the File menu of EZNEC, I can NOT select "Export Wires to
ASCII Table."

This is a lack of symmetrical design.

When I am twice frustrated in trying to find an operation that would
flow from similar program controls, it is not intuitive to seek it
further in what is called a "description."

I like my data separable and even though I am competent to the matter
of building automatic parsers to obtain the data I am interested in,
this is just another pain.

Richard Clark, KB7QHC