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Old November 16th 04, 05:58 PM
Keyboard In The Wilderness
Posts: n/a

Here in San Diego, we not only do demos of Amateur Radio, we have helped set
up donated stations in 5 schools. Example:

One school had students talk to astronauts in space (SAREX Program)

Also the ARISS program
that offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of
Radio by talking directly with crewmembers of the ISS (International Space
Station). URL:

Upwards of 100 San Diego students have obtained their licenses.

Currently 20 students are attending a Ham Radio class in Vista, Ca

And at the ARRL field day in June 2004, we had 20+ unlicensed Boy Scouts
and numerous kids OPERATE and make contacts on Ham radio as far away as
Australia -- via the GOTA station (Get On The Air)

And an annual Scout event is JOTA -- upwards of 500,000 Scouts and Guides
all over the world make contact with each other by means of amateur radio.

Re geography -- Who knows every country, island, cay, spit, and reef in the
world better than a Ham Radio DXer ??

The Anon Keyboard
I doubt, therefore I might be

"John Halliburton" wrote in message
Curious, how many here have made an attempt to go to a local school with a
rig, and do a demo?
BTW, geography is taught in our middle school. I'm thinking more of a
broadband issue is degradation of education in general. We need to try

Best regards,
