wrote in message
At "Walgreens" I found an "Atomic Alarm Clock"
Runs on 2 "AA" batteries and it even has a nice
EL backlight.
Best part was it cost only $9.99!
I bought 2, and if they both work I will take one
apart to intercept the data stream.
It is a Model #701071, Item #C17D1773
The documentation has a 2003 Copyright date.
The documentation says it may take 48~72 hours
to synchronize.
It only supports PST/MST/CST/EST, with automatic
DST changeover.
I will post updates as needed.
The documentation is clearly designed for non
technical types, but the do warn about PC mointors
operating near 60KHz and even mention WWV.
It would be nice to set it to GMT/ZULU, but
for 10 bucks I can't complain.
Which Walgreens?