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  #271   Report Post  
Old March 11th 05, 07:40 AM
Posts: n/a

ohhh poor Seve, you have to get mad and go to name calling when you
can't prove or show what law backs you stupid statements. I really
don't think that will happen, because the crybabies on here that are
complaining don't have the BALLS to do anything, except complain on
here. The majority of those complaining are probably not really amateur
operators. I think your forgetting that the difference between a
broadcast and a information bulletin is a one is directed to the
amateur radio community (information buletins) and the other is
directed to the public (broadcast). Finally as long as my bulletin is
directed to the amateur community the FCC isn't going to do ****,
because they can not control the content of any station. It is a
bulletin and is legal so go cry to someone who cares.

K4YZ wrote:
N9OGL wrote:

No where in the FCC rules governing the amateur radio service does

state that an information buletin can not be opinoinated about

dealing with amateur radio.

Once you take "news" and add "opinion", it becomes editorial and
is no longer within the realm of an "information bulletin".

You're an idiot, Todd, and unfortunately for the rest of us it's
illegal to shoot idiots just on principle. Otherwise this episode
would be over already.

But it's illegal even for idiots to break the law, and sooner or
later the FCC will come knocking on your door.

Good luck trying to pass your rationalizations off on them.
They've logged a lot of time getting blockheads like you off the air,
and on occassion, into jail...where you belong.

Steve, K4YZ