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Old April 19th 05, 12:59 AM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
N9OGL wrote:
Little Stevey said:
How? Why? Is "decency" any more or less important today than 30
years ago? 100 years ago?

Well Stevey, time changes and attitudes change.....I know for you

your little bible banging butt buddies at the AFA and PTC don't

that idea but it's the truth, We don't live in the 1950's anymore.

Nor should we...But you didn't answer my questions about


No I don't, my point was the times change and what was consider
indecent 30 to 40 years ago isn't today.

I don't have any "bible banging butt buddies" anywhere, Todd.

really, you sound like one to me....I figured you were a life member of
the AFA.

And what IS it with you and butt fetishes?

I have none.

You really do have some seriously perverted issues, Todd.

Hot flash, hot rod...They are not telling you what you can or
can't watch...they only want to be able to have family oriented
television at a time that is, well, family oriented.
Just because YOU want to be able to watch "Hot Barely Legal Asian
Teens" at 2 in the afternoon is NOT a defensible reason to have it

five network channels.

First off I wouldn't watch some show called "Hot Barely Legal Asian

Why not? Are you prejudiced against Asian women?

it's not my thing and No, my girlfreind is Japanese.

What I was saying is some of the #### that these groups like the
AFA (American Family Association) and PTC (Parent Television

are complaining about is really stupid stuff, and thanks to the FCC
they've rejected a lot of their ####.

Stupid to YOU, but you're ignorant, profane, functionally
illiterate and just basically a fool. So who cares what you think?

Unforutnely, their trying to push
congress to pass laws to allow the FCC to regulated content on

and satellite.

And at some level they should. There needs to be some sort of
control over the rampant promulgation of smut.

No, the FCC has rejected some of the AFA and PTC claims. this huge
amount of "smut" that is out isn't really out there....if you want to
see some really smutty television go to europe or the asian countries
watch their tv channels.

Your "bio" says you've been born and rasied in Taylorville,

yes and your point is??? i've travelled all over the united states and

Well, I've had a chance to travel...A LOT...I've worked in

care in little podunk communities and major cities. I've seen what

out-of-conrol "let it all hang out" 21st century attitudes have done

us. If you want a great appreciation of why a lot of people want to
rein in some of that liberal behaviour, read "Rise And Fall of the
Roman Empire" and see if you can't see some parallels

You see little stevey, I pay for that programming on
satellite and if I want to watch something a little more adult in
nature, that's my right, I'm paying for it. I don't need some

nazi bible banger tell me that I have to watch only "family


Then get the adult channels.

I'm not talking about porn channels

Just becasue you pay for basic programming does NOT mean that

should have carte blanche access to all the kiddie porn and

you think you "deserve".

You'll ALSO note that the FCC's "obscenity" challenges have to do
with COMMUNITY standards. Maybe where YOU live it's OK to use the


word in unmoderated public forums, but here they prefer to have a

more responsible and mature conduct.

A public forum??? do you mean here???? well the Internet doesn't
really follow the community standards that broadcasting does.

to the Supreme Court those nazi at the AFA and PTC can't supress

speech on the internet.

If you were acting like an adult, that might apply.

Your conduct here is "MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME", just like a three


As for title of this thread THAT'S OK STEVE I CONTINUE TO

Not for long.

Yeah right, I believe it when I see it, I'm starting to believe

guys on the context that your full of it.

Nothing happens in "a day", Todd. If your expecting to see
someone knocking on your door today, tomorrow, or even a month from
now, you'll be disappointed.

But it will happen.

Steve, K4YZ

Todd N9OGL