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Old April 22nd 05, 12:30 AM
John Smith
Posts: n/a

precision even!!! before all the spelling freaks fall on me!


"John Smith" wrote in message
I could be wrong, and Roy will correct me if I am, but EZNEC seems to be
written in Visual Basic, or similar... might you need the run-time
libraries for an older edition?
And, he (Roy) mentions "double percision"--a nasty reality of basic (and
some Fortran compilers also), which seems to confirm my suspicions...


"SignalFerret" wrote in message
I'm trying to get Eznec ver 2 to run on a WinXP machine, but I keep
getting an Error 137, insufficent memory. Does anyone have a suggestion
on what I need to set, or fix?

Any help would be appreciated. Please post to the news group, as this
address doesn't have a mailbox associated with it to avoid spam.
