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Old May 20th 05, 08:40 PM
I AmnotGeorgeBush
Posts: n/a

From: (Dave=A0Hall)
On Thu, 19 May 2005 09:34:45 -0400,
AmnotGeorgeBush) wrote:
Philly is the scumbag capital of the country. They have nothing to be
proud of in the last twenty five years. Jobs, crime, housing,
education,..all past the brink. Medical care is the only thing that is
even half decent in that area, and even that is a joke when all is taken
in to consideration.

I agree with you. Then again, Other than the

fact that NYC has more money surging

through it, it isn't any better.


I'm not a fan of cities anyway.

Me neither.
"Gee Dave, after all your sermons about morality -- you don't care about
a pedophile that not only used his government office for cyber-sex but
promised internships to young boys in exchange for 'dates'? What
happened to your morality, Dave? Did it suddenly get lost because West
is a conservative Republican?"

Geeze Frank, don't get your panties into a

bunch here. This has nothing to do with my

"morality", only that you live 3000 miles away

from me and, as such, the events which occur

there take a back seat in the local news to

events which are also occurring here. I was

simply not aware for what you were referring.

Your "Jim West" is a scumbag, plain and

simple. Being a republican does not excuse

him from human flaws or the consequences of
acting out on them.

Except when those flaws belong to Bush, then those consequences go out
the window and people like you blame the demos for his incompetence.

Because those "flaws" were largely invented

by the left leaning media.

Get reality in your life. Failing to balance the budget,... the report
by the Pentagon two days ago that "Iraq war not fairing as well as
originally thought"......the lack of protection for the troops he sent
in to battle underequipped and ill prepared.,,the list goes on and his
failures have nothing to do with the demos, despite your hatred.

There has been none to date which have been


Then show me the balanced budget. Tell it to the military sons and
daughters and parents who have lost loved ones for the very preventable
reason of not having proper protection, supplies and equipment.
Now Bush is cutting bases in the US to pay for his tax cuts and failing
(admitted by the Pentagon) war, the same thing you blasted Clinton for
daring to entertain a few years ago, and he didn't even do it.

Rathergate, is a glaring example of one such

smear which got discovered before any real

damage could be done.

You are wired to focus on anything but repsonsibility. You seek
abdication of the Bush failures through unrealistic self-denial,

Then there is the more recent Newsweek

gaffe about flushing the Koran down a toilet

(How does one flush a book down a toilet


They have port- a-potty's in Gunatanamo, not toilets.

Did you know that the gutless clowns at

Newsweek had the nerve to actually blame

the repercussions of their erroneous reporting

on the Bush administration, for not denying it

quickly enough?

The BUsh administration began the phoney reporting with their bogus
"press releases" when it was found to be nothing of the sort, but you
are not surprisingly silent when the Bush party fails with the same

They print a lie, and they blame Bush for not

denying it, as the reason why those people

.were killed in the protests. Unbelievable!

Not as unbelievable as a homosexual prostitute circumventing general WH
security protocol reserved for only those with higher clearance with
zero explanation of how and why the security FAILED.


there is no character on the left side of the

aisle. And it becomes more apparent with

each passing day, and each further shrill

speech a democrat makes.

All I can say is that I sure wish I had the tools

of the internet and computers back when I had
to do term papers. The task would have been

much less tedious and actually somewhat

interesting, and fun.

Chances are you would have cheated.

I've never cheated on any assignment that I've
ever done. I've never had to.

Then why did you not provide the 2914 Stony Creek Rd address to the FCC
as required by law?

"Where did you go to college, Dave? And
BTW, what was the name of that tech school you claimed to have attended?

.Give me one good reason why I should tell


Because you lost all credibility for all your claims for many valid

What you think is irrelevant,

It's not what I think, it's what more and more regs are conveying to you
on a regualr basis.

and contrary to your wild imagination, you do

not represent the majority.

Contrary to your claims that have been corrected by the majority of the
regs, it is yourself that is of the most radical, hypocritical, and of a
minority position that is usually incorrect.

But I'll make a deal with you, I'll tell you every

place where I went to school, when you give

me your real name and address.

You invoked your schooling of your own free will. Your personal
obsessive mania concerning my personal life has nothing to do with your
unsolicited claims posted by yourself in order to lend your hurt
feelings and soiled ago an image of support. This is done only because
of your need for validation. You can find no support on or of your own.



