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Old June 27th 05, 08:19 PM
Posts: n/a

Hi Mac,
We had certain constraints to work around such as available guy anchors
vs. distance of tower from shack since it is a VHF installation I needed to
be as close to the shack as possible for transmission line loss
considerations even with 9914. Even though we have over 40 acres the tower
needed to be close as hardline was not an option.

I am in the country here so there is little building regulation to adhere to
or approvals of construction projects.

We could and still might add concreted guy anchors although they would give
more interference for the mower and foot traffic in the back and front yards
and that was a concern of the xyl.

The tower has a very low wind load on it with those 2 small lightweight VHF
antennas. I know it is very common for hams to overload their "properly
engineered and maintained " towers.

As far as mating 2 different brands of towers I was on a budget and had
access to 45ft of what has been called "Sears" brand and 40 ft of 25g. We
altered our design from an 85ft erection down to 75ft as a safety precaution
during and after the installation. Yes trees do sway but as the photos
show they don't sway where the guys are attached.

Our insurance man has added the structure to our list of covered items in
our policy so evidently it was OK for coverage.
I suppose that no matter how we installed this tower and I so naively
posted a photo link there are some that will berate it.

TY for your civility however..seriously it was quite refreshing.....

Ham Radio - AD5TH
Deep South 2 Meter SSB Net

"J. Mc Laughlin" wrote in message
Dear Charlie AD5TH:
You have performed a great service by presenting the results of K5HGR's
engineering and your work. Its educational value is almost beyond

In this part of the world one would need to have a licensed
engineer (PE) sign off on such a structure. Clearly, down your way one
freedom to innovate without concern for issues that we are required to

My goodness. I recently completed a task of a tall tower in a
area where I had to have design work from the factory's PE, have that work
reviewed by a local PE, get permission from the local municipality, have
the airport sign off on the height, take soil samples so that a safe
foundation could be designed, watch the fabrication of the foundation to
make sure that it was done right, and on and on... Course, we do get
serious wind up here and it just would not do to kill someone with a tower

You sure are fortunate not to have all of the things we have to put up
with and not even have to worry about wind. Do keep us posted. The whole
story has yet to be revealed.

73 Mac N8TT
J. Mc Laughlin; Michigan U.S.A.