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Old July 29th 05, 04:33 PM
Caveat Lector
Posts: n/a

Nope the FCC makes the rules
You can beat up on the new non-technical hams OR help them
The choice is yours.
In our area, we run a weekly 2M Ham Help net
Our repeater is open to any technical question, no matter how basic.
Periodic classes are conducted for Tech and General -- success rate is quite

And many of our no-code Techs are very active in emergency communications,
PR communicators, field day, and many other useful avenues of ham radio.
Quite a number have advanced to General and Extra.

The times is a changing -- Bob Dylan

CL -- A 20 wpm Extra since 1979

"Fred W4JLE" wrote in message
Remember the golden rule!

"He who has the gold makes the rules" We old farts have it and the young
bucks want it, makes us right no matter what!

It is my intention to be a professional curmudgeon until I am looking at
grass from the bottom...

"John Smith" wrote in message

I disagree. Most of the problems we see in academia is that the mindset

changed. Older personalities have quite some difficulty in coping with

the new
generations, it has always been like that though, just more intense in

this age
(but what isn't?)