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Old September 7th 05, 10:32 PM
an old friend
Posts: n/a

Dave Heil wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:

Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer wrote:

In article t
Dave Heil wrote:


Your example is one of how you couldn't cut it as a real man.

What do you know of real men, Roger/not Roger?

I know you aren't one of them.

You know? How would you know? You're just some guy hiding behind
anonymous remailers.

which mean what? that he knows nothing?

You know, I hadn't thought of that. I meant that the Roger Wiseman who
is behind these anonymous remailer posts is a non-entity in my life. He
has seen my precisely once in his life. But now that you've mentioned
it, he really is the kind of guy who knows little of anything. Use
Google and look under Roger Wiseman, AB8MQ and KC8JBO.

One I don't take your orders

Two Noone knows nothing, even you must know something god help Ican't
say what it might be, but I am certain you know something


You can't use your own name lest you have
the police on your doorstep again. You have to be very, very careful.

Really? Doubtful, since they haven't been on my doorstep.

Sure they have, a number of times, and you've been invited to see them
as well.

You know this How?

I learned of it during several visits to Glen Dale, WV Polic Chief
Norman Stenger. Glen Dale Police Officers are quite familiar with Mr.
Wiseman. They had dealings with him before my visits.

still don't see any proof you know this alleged fact

And since when does
the police deny freedom of speech?

Since when *do* the police, not *does* the police. Your freedom of
speech stops where my rights begin.

gee you are very concerned about YOUR rights but support the abuse of
other poeple rights

You know not of what you speak.

I certainly do know of what I speak

yep I am beigin to wonder if you are not a cut out for Stevie

A cut out for him? Can you explain the concept?

you should know the term "cut out" if you don't then you are likely
lying about having a career any where the Govt.

No wonder you
were relegated to doing errand type tasks for the "State Department."

I've never filled a job position which entailed "errand type tasks".

Oh, so you couldn't even make the errand boy grade?

Why don't you make it your life's work to try to find out?

why should anyone?


indeed you were an errand boy so what

such an ego you have

It has nothing to do with my ego.

Big whooper

gee looking more like Stevie

Steve and I look nothing alike.

you 2 are very much alike in manner in the way you look online even
the way you don't bother with the uses of lang

You monitor local FM repeaters

Good amateur practice says you should monitor before doing anything else. You'd
think an world class DXer who talks to out of banders like you would know that.

You know nothing of my activies on 6m from overseas. By the way, it is
"a world class DXer", not "an world class DXer". Makes little
difference, I've never claimed to be either.

If he and the rest of US know nothing then I guess all of your posts
about them must have been lies

You just jumped to a false conclusion. Folks here know only because
I've seen fit to tell them. The only folks who know for sure are those
who worked me on 6m....and me.

Not at all just one you don't like

and with You I doubt even the other hams kew what they were dealing
with (or realy cared either)

aroogance now the speeling looks a lot like stevie

YOu can tell by the aroogance and speeling, can you? C'mon. You had help.

I can tell no need for hel with you and stevie

Hmm is Dave realy Stevie. It could be, but not likely Sadly Stevie's
abusive self centered is all too comon

You're still a twit, Mark.

In your view sure I am

but Id rather be atwit than someone who promotes, aids criminals,
abusives the conistitution of the Us and the rest of th stuf you and
Stevie do

Dave K8MN