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Old September 7th 05, 10:53 PM
an old friend
Posts: n/a

Dave Heil wrote:
an old friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:

an_old_friend wrote:

Dave Heil wrote:


Fantastic! An endorsement from the World's Greatest DXer. I'll
request that it be known as the "Heil Award," in your honor.

I've seen nothing to indicate an endorsement from the World's Greatest
DXer. Perhaps you received an e-mail from him. While I haven't
endorsed the idea, I have encouraged you to pursue it.

indeed you do always encourage people to feed your ego

You keep showing us that you can't comprehend the written word. I asked
for no credit. The idea is Brian Burke's. I've never claimed to be the
World's Greatest DXer. You've come up with nothing once again, frantic

I understand it fine never said you asked for credit never commented on
your claim

Then what's with your little "indeed you do always encourage people to
feed your ego" comment. My statement had nothing to do my ego or with
any self-aggrandizement. It was, in fact, just the opposite.

learn english

your statement was nothing but ego and selfaggrandizement. you have
little but your puff and stract and bluster

you just don't understand the written word, esp if it says anything you
don't wnat to read


indeed my point exactly


As to learning "ANY diplomacy",

there is never an instance where an ambassador calls a communications
type and says, "We've just received news from Washington. I want you to
go to the Foreign Ministry and make a demarche".

And there you have it.

Yes, there you have it. Ambassadors, Deputy Chiefs of Mission,
Political and Economics Officers make demarches, telephone and write to
foreign ministers, presidents, prime ministers and the like.
Information Management personnel have quite different job requirements.

indeed We may all the god for that...

We may all the god? Just how do we accomplish that?

not my problem

...the fact you were a file clerk was
obviously much better for the nation and the world than puting you in
real diplomatic work

Ah, ah, ah, manic manufacturer of fables! I was never a file clerk.
There are people who file things in embassies. They used to be called
"secretaries" but they're now called "Office Management Specialists".
Then again, those of us who were "Information Management Specialists" as
a broad subgroup, used to be "Support Communications Officers". I liked
the old term. The generic term "Communicators" is used on a daily basis.

and Torturers are called "Pain Technicians" spin it all you like clerk,
but you are convincing no one, not already tkaen in by your bull****

I'll state it for you again, feeble one. I never worked in the position
of file clerk. You've lied so much and so often that you're assuming
that everyone does.

you still understand

I Know you lie, indeed I know Bill Sohl lies (I am sure he answers
"fine" to the question how are you) everyone does lie.

You lie here with almost every post you make, and in many case I
honestly think you don't know it

You were a peon, a clerk, a nobody in the dept, you puuf yourself up
with a title but I don't care

He was merely their messenger.

Perhaps it soothes you to cling to that belief.

In addition to sending messages, what else did you do?

I'm certain that I've outlined it before. In addition to sending
messages, I received messages. :-)

My My such ornerous duties

Only a twit would cut an entire paragraph and then write "My My such
ornerous duties (sic)".

you keep geting it wrong I hadn't cut the paragraph yet

Why, certainly you did, feeble fabricator. Here it is:

nope I wrote those words, "My My such ornerous duties" and then moved
down to that para and decided to cut it

another Dave Hiel lie

"There's much more though. I operated and maintained the equipment
which took care of all of that sending and receiving. I was responsible
for the HF and VHF E&E nets and equipment. I was in charge of the
embassy telephone system and supervised the receptionists. I was
responsible for classified pouch despatch and receipt. I served as
system administrator for classified and unclassifed LAN's and was
responsible for stand alone PC's. I supervised the embassy mailroom
staff. I ran frequency clearances for VIP visits, obtained VHF
frequency permits for embassy repeater and simplex channels through the
host country PTT. There were other duties, but I'm sure you get the idea."

Then there's Heil's thrilling tales of African adventures
where he "synchronized" State Department communications via
morsemanship in the 1980s...

He opened and closed rtty circuits with CW?

He surely did, but not on the same frequency as the RTTY circuit.

What frequency?

A different one!

i see more non answer answerer

An answer was provided. You didn't like it. You have no clearance and
no need to know.

more tom cruise

Tom Cruise worked for the Department of State as a communicator? Get
outta here!

never said that another Dave Fabrication


None of that has anything to do with amateur radio...unless one
counts the entirety of the Department of State as an "amateur"
effort of foreign policy.

Do you think has an anti-U.S. Foreign Policy bias, Brian?

I -could- pretend to not understand your question, but that would be
too heilish.

I think that Len has an anti-Heil bias.

That has been obvious, but I asked about a U.S. Foreign Policy bias. He
has frequently taken pot shots at the U.S. Department of State and U.S.
Foreign Policy.

Indeed and you flame Len for this american tradition of questioning the
action of the natiion, you flame him for prefroming the DUTY of an
amercian citizen



With that degree, you'd likely be able to figure that Bissau and
Freetown are across the continent from Asmara. When my old colleagues
speak of the "West African Echo" they don't include East Africa. Go
figure. I didn't work into nor did I work through Asmara. The missing
piece of the puzzle for both of you is the location of the station I
worked into. Good luck.


I only wish I was at liberty to tell you.

rich the I could tell you bit have to kill routine. Tom cruise does it
better dave

I was doing it before Tom Cruise was old enough to work. The fact is,
there are things which I know that I simply can't share with you. If it
bothers you, I don't care.

Doesn't bother me just disgusts me your efforts to make yourself look

Funny that my informing you that I can't tell you something would
disgust you more than some of your own practices.

auf anglish bitte

I agree. Has Len been insulted? denigrated? belittled?

If there's a God in Heaven, he has.

mighty generous

I'm a mighty generous guy.

As to the FCC staffer schpiel, it has been previously addressed a number
of times. Len isn't an FCC staffer, nor is he a radio amateur.

Nor are most FCC staffers, even the ones dealing directly with amateur

That's right. They're paid to do a job, whether they participate in
some radio service or not. Len isn't a participant and he isn't a

so what?

Check Google. I don't have time to explain it for those who can't keep up.

no need to check google to know that you just can't stand anyone that
doesn't kowtow to you, everyong remotely honest on her knows that

Her? Her who?

I was just trying to fair nd give a chance t make your point if your
had one

I appreciate that you were just trying to fair, as you understand the term.

so it was just another gratouitous attack boring

why do you seem to deny the rights of american citizen in amercia?

Len has no right for his views to be accepted. His views carry no more
weight than my own. The terms "America" and "American" are capitalized.
There is no "Amercia".

never len did, but he does have the right to express his opinion a
right you seek to deny him and me for that matter

Never len did? Did what? Len has repeatedly expressed his opinion.
You have, on very many occasions, expressed your opinions and even a
number of outright lies. You can't point to an occasion when I have
sought to deny your rights.

yes I can you try to deny my right to even exist

Heil may have spent too much time in the basement with his radios.

Now *that* would be weird. My hamshack consists of two, adjacent second
floor rooms.

You told us you lived in a tarpaper shack.

There's tarpaper under there somewhere.

ah yess another lie

Let me see if I understand you. You wan't to promote a quarrel over
whether there is tarpaper on my house? Do I have it correct?

no you don't

Well? Enlighten me. Tell me exactly what you mean. Tell me why you
believe I'm lying about tarpaper.

Dave K8MN