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Old September 9th 05, 07:53 AM
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nobodys_old_friend wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote:

I don't make fun of other people's religious faith.

So what? Is a persons faith a sacred cow? Should Mormons (the men of
course) be allowed to marry as many women as they want?

As many as they want? maybe not, as many as they can convince to marry
sure, why not?'s against the law.

why should polygamy be banned? why for that matter shoudl polyandry be

Let's start of with inability to support the extended family for

The number one problem in polygamy-prone communities is abject
poverty. Follow that with chronic medical problems associated with

So where do we stop, Brian?

Has it started?

Oh absolutely.

Is it when they call for the government to
assassinate the leader of a country that they don't like?

Is that when they called to assassinate Bush Sr's life?

No it wasn't. It was when Pat Robertson called for the US to assassinate
Chavez. I'm not talking about politicos, I'm talking about religious

Chavez should file charges. Let due process work. BTW, that due
process was set up by evil religious people.

Ummm, where?

Not sure wher Pat is a resident, but in the state where Pat lives is a
good place to start

Guess you missed the point, Markie...

I am sure the "evil religious people" he was refring to were the
Founding Fathers who took it upon themselves to put ambiguous language
about "seperation of church and state" in the Constitution, however
liberally sprinkle "relgion" throughout the political process.

Bravo! I was wondering if you were racist and only hated WASP's that
call for Jihad.

Where do you get this stuff Brian? I don't like any religion that tries
to impress it's beliefs on others, that engages in killing in the name
of God, and in general allows people of "faith" to use that faith to
cause harm.

indeed then you are much a fan of Cristain beliefs then I take it

"Christian" "than"

There's not a one of the major religions that does not preach
"love, tolerance and understading" that does not subsequently turn
around and use overt and covert violence in order to perpetuate its
doctrine or control at some point.

Steve, K4YZ