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Old September 21st 05, 03:46 AM
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From: on Sep 20, 3:51 pm

Dave Heil wrote:
From: "Alun L. Palmer" on Sun 18 Sep 2005 07:19
" wrote in
From: Alun L. Palmer on Sep 17, 8:07 am

The IARU as a collective body is larger than the ARRL and their
opinion-influence on the voting delegates is stronger than the
ARRL's influence.

The ARRL began the IARU and the IARU permanent headquarters is at

Kind of like the Radio League of Nations!

Almost...IARU was formed in 1925 (according to them...but what
do they know?).

President Wilson helped push for the League of Nations.

Most IARU member societies are very, very small. They don't
have many members and they don't have much money. The IARU HQ
frequently donates money so that third world delegates may attend.

Kind of like the League of Nations!

Wow! "Very, very small." Like the RSGB, the JARL, the
organizations of Germany, Australia, New Zealand...all "very,
very small" countries.

Tsk, tsk, for an ex-State Department person, Heil sure doesn't
get lavish on diplomacy...

In the past, one of these was Cassandra Davies 9L1YL, President of SLARS
(Sierra Leone Amateur Radio Society), also a licensing official at SLET,
the Sierra Leonian PTT. Many SLARS members were non-Sierra Leonian.
Average meeting attendance was between fifteen to twenty radio amateurs.

Kind of like the Marianas Amateur Radio Club, MARC. Ask Jim about it

That's Jim Kehler, KH2D, to readers who weren't here years ago.

But, I wasn't aware that Side-Looking Airborne Radar Systems
(SLARS) were anything but a hard-point attached accessory...

In Botswana, no natives of Botswana were BARS members.

Oh, my! Sounds elitist.

Could be a religious-ethical hanging out in BARS.

There were no indigenous radio amateurs in Botswana despite
yearly BARS classes in theory, regs and morse.

Oh, my! Sounds like institutionalized SOMETHING.

Most licensees were German, British, Indian,
South African or American resident citizens.

They could have formed EARS...Embassy Amateur Radio Society.

Hmmm? Them license classes must not have been very effective.

Nor the society...nobody asked "ya got yer ears ON?"

Guinea-Bissau had no resident radio amateurs much of the time. During
my two years in Bissau, there was a Swedish op, Bengt Lundgren J52BLU in
country for about four months. There was a DXpedition to the Bijagos
Islands by an Italian group which lasted a matter of days. For the
balance of my tour, I was the only licensed radio amateur in the country.

I wasn't the only licensed amateur in Korea, Guam, nor Somalia.

Heil wanted EXCLUSIVITY. :-)

The major export of the country of Guinea-Bisseau is Cashews.
That's nuts.

When the IARU came out against amateur radio
licensing code testing a year prior to WRC-03, that sent a
"message" (in effect) to other administrations' delegates, a
"set-up" for the future voting. The IARU had not yet been of a
consensus on S25 modernization the decade before WRC-03.

It wasn't much of a message for most African countries delegates.

Too busy cashing in on the foreign aid packages, probably.

...or loading up outgoing ships with cashews. That's nuts.

You state that as a fact. It can only be an assumption on your part.
The internet has made it very easy for radio amateurs to find other
sources for news.

Excellent point! Please point me to the newsletter of the SLARS.

So, Joe Average Ham wouldn't be likely to subscribe in order to obtain
the material.

And SLARS members? They receive them via 1st class mail?

They don't much bother with the FCC freely-available information
even though the FCC is their government's radio regulatory

There's another assumption on your part.

Hmmmm? There's a trend in your claiming that Len assumes too much.

Yeah..."non-participants" aren't supposed to know anything. :-)

News that does get down to the individual-licensee
level is thus rather "filtered" by intermediate parties.

Filtered how, Len? Do you mean that only information of interest to
radio amateurs is published, as a rule, in amateur radio magazines? Why
would it be otherwise?

Nuts and Volts used to publish some amatuer material.

The Mother Earth News used to publish amateur mateiral.

Now most of it comes via just a few mouthpeices.

Actually it comes from a HANDFUL of EDITORS (and their publishers)
who do the deciding. Always has. ARRL has complete control over
the output of its own media. Always has.

If those few editors and their Associates put the words together
in the right way, they will CONVINCE the readership that they
are getting "all" the news.

Heil just doesn't get it...even at his advanced age...

Do commercial ops and governmental ops have the same problem? Do they
waste time and isn't it easy for them to cut down on the time they have
to play with their radios? :-)

What? No trade mags for the pros?

Actually there are quite a few "controlled subscription" trade
magazines (free subscription to those IN the industry). Heil
doesn't understand that professionals in radio work in NON-hobby
activity...for money. Maybe State plays with radios on the job?

I'm not sure if the NAB (National Association of Broadcasters)
has free periodicals...maybe they do to Members. Radio and TV
broadcasting only SEEMS like "playing around" to NON-pros.

It's also a ripe area for any group to do influence-control on
many without them realizing what is happening.

I had a feeling that we'd get down to your intimating that there's some
conspiracy to keep radio amateurs in the dark.

No conspiracy. Most choose to be in the dark.

It's the effect of the Darkness-Emitting Diode (DED) used by
morsemen to show the state of their keying. Morse = DED. :-)

[Heil doesn't have a sense of humor so the above is wasted on him]