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Old October 15th 05, 05:34 AM
Cmd Buzz Corey
Posts: n/a

Here's a quote from John C. Dvorak's "Inside Track" column in this
week's PC Magazine:

"... Whatever the case, the most overlooked participants in the Katrina
relief effort were the ham radio folks, who were doing whatever they
could as ad hoc emergency dispatchers, creating their own network
within the system. These dedicated persons pride themselves on their
ability to do worldwide communications under adverse conditions, and
the ARRL (Amateur [sic] Radio Relay League) and its members, as well as
others, were a big part of the aid effort. Of course since amateur
radio is anything but trendy in today's XBox, gene-splicing world,
there was zero coverage of its contribution in the mainstream press,
and these people are not the worlds greatest self promoters. At least
some of us are paying attention. Good work guys! Bush should be giving
medals to you all."

73 de Jim, N2EY

This just really gets up lenniepoo's nose, hams doing a real job of
providing comms during a disaster and he can't be a part of it. Even if
he had a license he would only get in the way attempting to impress
someone with all his 'claimed' Army radio operating skills. Now watch
him make an attempt to poo-poo all the work the hams did during the
Katrina disaster.