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Old October 22nd 05, 04:44 PM
Jason P
Posts: n/a
Default Hurricane Wilma now strongest Atlantixc storm of all time.

I also own a Velocity Micro ProMagix tower computer. and a 22 inch screen Multisync computer
monitor.Webtv can do some things computers can't do and computers can do
some things webtv can't do.Not only that,webtv can not get
viruses.Well,with what I have on my computer,I can't get computer
viruses with my computer either.Seeee how Super Smart and Super
Intelligent I am! I got you beat both ways.Yeah,and I can use my
computer on broad band and my webtv on dial up at the same time.I never
use my computer for emailing and news groups.I bought my computer for
one thing and one thing only.

To use it as a doorstop..!