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Old November 17th 05, 01:53 AM posted to
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Default ARS License Numbers

These are the numbers of current, unexpired
amateur radio licenses held by individuals
on the stated dates, and the percentage of
the total number of active licenses that
class contains:

As of May 14, 2000:

Novice - 49,329 (7.3%)
Technician - 205,394 (30.4%)
Technician Plus - 128,860 (19.1%)
General - 112,677 (16.7%)
Advanced - 99,782 (14.8%)
Extra - 78,750 (11.7%)

Total Tech/TechPlus - 334,254 (49.5%)

Total all classes - 674,792

As of November 15, 2005:

Novice - 27,303 (4.1%) [decrease of 22,026]
Technician - 273,291 (41.2%) [increase of 67,897]
Technician Plus - 45,263 (6.8%) [decrease of 83,597]
General - 135,676 (20.4%) [increase of 22,999]
Advanced - 74,836 (11.3%) [decrease of 24,946]
Extra - 107,297 (16.2%) [increase of 28,547]

Total Tech/TechPlus - 318,554 (48.0%) [decrease of 15,700]

Total all classes - 663,666 (decrease of 11,126)

Note that these totals do not include licenses
that have expired but are in the grace period.

They also do not include club, military, RACES
or other station-only licenses.

Note also that effective April 15, 2000, new
Novice, Technician Plus and Advanced licenses
are no longer issued.

Since April 15, 2000, FCC has renewed all existing
Technician Plus licenses as Technician. It is therefore
informative to consider the totals of the two classes,
since the Technician class includes a significant
number of Technician Plus licenses renewed as

73 de Jim, N2EY