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Old December 7th 05, 05:09 AM posted to
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Default Not Qualified...For WHAT...?!?!?

From: K0HB on Dec 6, 7:10 pm


Dudly hasn't mentioned a single individual in any of his
claimed "outfits", made available ANY photo or snapshot of
himself taken during his alleged 18-year career, nor made
available to anyone a single one of his claimed "many"
DD-214s, has made MANY actual errors of official and un-
official names and procedures used by the Marines, has
verified NOTHING of his heroic-warrior military service,
all in seven years of unremitting vile insults at anyone
daring to challenge his opinion on anything.

I'm not going to drawn into you and Franks "Steve wasn't a Marine" game.

You are ALREADY IN IT, like it or no.

It is NOT a "game." Such an impersonation of being military
is punishable and heaps disgrace on the service affected.

With the exception of you naming one or two comrades and Frank posting a URL of
a scan of a DD214, I don't know of a single veteran here who has named "a single
individual", made available any photo, or verified in any way their military

1. There are not many veterans of the military in HERE.

2. There is a plethora of examples of many, many evidenciaries
available on the many, many websites of military veterans
all over the web.

3. "By their words ye shall know them" is a famous phrase and
that applies to ANYONE in here. We can all recognize when
some wannabe sounds suspicious if not being an outright
bull****ting liar.

4. Dudly is a class-A sumbitch with oak leaf clusters and has
been one for seven years in here. He has document NONE
visible to any of us HERE.

Applying the same tests that you list above about Steve, means that
Dan, Brian, I, Jeff, and any other veterans here that I've not named, are also

Sorry, super chief, I'm not falling for that circular "touring"
test. Logic that ain't, queer it is. A "colossus" of ill logic. *

Dudly says he is NOT going to comply with anything. His con-man
feelings are hurt, the poor boy. Boo-hoo.

You want a 10 MB PDF all about the battalion and my station
assignment in Japan while I was in the service? I've given it
in here often enough. It is a good photo essay. Got pictures
of me and buddies in there as well.

You want to see an article in the Pacific Stars & Stripes that was
an interview of me by Rick Chernitzer about Hardy Barracks? I've
given that in here as well. Some of the 600+ photos I took while
over there were published in the Stars & Stripes.

I've digitized a number of documents I have about my military and
civlian service. In trying to send out some of them, all I get is
waaa-waaa static from the Extras who "refuse to look at it." One
sissy bitched that one had "male nudity" in it! [it is impossible
to tell gender from a "moon shot" at a distance...the gender was
assumed, sir, just ASSumed] I can send any of them as attachments
to private e-mail or I can ask someone else to put them on their
larger website (an imposition on them which requires I return a
favor and so is a fall-back position) Tsk, tsk, I've gotten a
basket full of "complaints" from Dud about my work RESUME being
a "curiculum vitae"...which it wasn't.

I've given FOUR names in this newsgroup who can vouch for what I've
said. Three of those are Amateur Extra class amateur radio
licensees, the fourth is a retired DoD civilian engineer.

Now it would be neat, tidy, and convenient if one could just "call
the VA" and the VA will verify something on anyone's personnel
record in the military? NOT SO. If one is not an authorized
human resources worker (personnel office), authorized government
agency, or family member of the individual, the information
returned is ZERO. Nil. Nada. Nyet. The VA will contact NARA
to get that but the requestor must furnish their SS number as well
as the SS number of the query individual AND a service number if
that existed for that individual. Dudly hopped up and down on
his "reference" of "just call the VA!"

Now, what does that have to do with amateur radio? Plenty when
it comes to be TRUTHFUL in here. Anyone LYING on the military
service is bound to LIE about their civilian life as well. I've
had to take Dud LYING about having a "witness" to my "applying
for a job at the former NADC and being rejected," the only true
part being that I was at NADC as a field engineer for RCA
Corporation in flight testing a collision avoidance system.
LYING about anything can be directly related to LYING about
anything else.

Getting into finer detail, both Frank Gilliland and I are NOT
licensed in the U.S. amateur radio service...yet we get all this
static from the regulars in here who are Extras. Of course the
regulars aren't that many but one spends an inordinate amount of
time on the 'net when he could be playing with his radios.

There's a lesson in that, perhaps. Mainly that unlicensed (as
amateurs) should shut up and not say anything against these
mighty extra super-pooper hams? Yes, most definitely that's the
appearance. We "aren't involved" [with amateur radio] therefore
we are to keep silent. Now, if that is the attitude of you
supreme beings in charge of it all, howinhell do you think that
looks to anyone who might be interested in getting a license?
Negative PR, super chief. Negative, negative.

Let's all applaud the former darling of the PCTA in here, Val
Germman...still a Tech, MAYBE working on his code (but
unlikely after three years). Clap clap. [clap trap]
PCTA couldn't praise Val enough, PCTA couldn't berate the
others that didn't like morse enough.

Connections. Not just a PBS TV series with James Burke. No
need to invent artifical "connections" to "tests" as you tried
to do.

Dudly is guilty until proven innocent. He got himself into
that, he can get itself out of it...but it's too late. After
seven years of crudibility, there's no way in hell he can
recoup any credibility now. Except maybe gratuitous "praise"
from Amateur Extras who will laud him to the skies...he IS a
"brother" ham, isn't he? "Representative" of "what is good"
in amateur radio?

With utmost regards and a hearty "good luck now,"

* if you don't understand that, just park your Bletchley and
think about that enigma.