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Old December 7th 05, 03:25 PM posted to
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Default moonraker 4 antenna mod's


Good Luck with your 8 barrel feed system.

Yagi design is not just about the feed system. There is an interaction
between the feed and the tuning of the Yagi. Especially the driven
element and reflector. While computer modeling is nice to compare.
Nothing beats taking the antenna out to a certified antenna range and
measure the performance.

Matching networks are just that. Simple designs work just as well as
very complex designs. Yes dome designs do minimize pattern skews, but
for amatuer and CB usage at 30 MHz. and below, you are not going to
get that tight of a beam pattern to where pattern skewing is a major


On Wed, 07 Dec 2005 05:13:23 -0800, Jay in the Mojave

+Hello James:
+Good luck with the one barrel carburetor.
+Jay in the Mojave
+james wrote:
+ On Sat, 03 Dec 2005 06:34:07 -0800, Jay in the Mojave
+ wrote:
++But not all beams are. Money is well spent in the proper feeding and
++matching of any antenna. Which is not always the mass produced,
++manufactured low cost way.
++Having a beam antenna with a low cost and lossy feed system, is like
++Nascar with a one barrel carburetor on it. It will look good and make
++some noise but get easily beat.
++Jay in the Mojave
+ *****
+ This is a good one. Best laugh I h ave had in a few days.
+ thanks
+ james
+ ps:
+ I just love people that slam mass manufactureing. Without it you sure
+ as heck wouldn't be buying stuff at the prices you do.
+ james