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Old December 22nd 05, 04:30 AM posted to
Reg Edwards
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Default Standing Waves (and Impedance)

To anybody who may be reading -

(1) There's far too much importance attached to standing waves on
transmission lines. But see (4).

(2) There are colossal standing waves on antennas which are seldom
taken any notice of.

(3) Anyway, of what use does anybody make of standing waves after
taking the trouble to measure them. And the measurements themselves
are the most inacurate in the field of radio engineering.

(4) And to cap it all, the common or garden SWR meter does NOT
measure standing waves on the feedline to the antenna where they might
conceivably be of interest. It's all a gigantic hoax!
Season's Greetings from Reg, G4FGQ.