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Old January 4th 06, 12:59 PM posted to
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Default Hey Brain! " Hams ruin welcome at Rose Parade " Is A Misleading Heading That Any 3rd Grader Could Read Past

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
No Roses wrote:
Amateur Radio no longer at Rose Parade


I assume then you agree with my comments since you snipped them
without disagreement or other comment.

A general observation...(SNIP TO...) to run the show themselves.

A bit of pontification by an Anonymous "source".

your point? if any

Do you understand the meaning of the word "pontification"...?!?!

(That was a rhetorical question, of course...if you DID understand
it, you would hve gotten my "point"....)

Yes, I understand that the Red Cross has lots of cellphones and
lots of their own radios.

Yet none of the ones they had in New Orleans did them much did they?

why do you say that? guess you didnot read the articles posted here on
the subject

Sure I did...and in the New York Times, MSN On-Line,, etc
etc etc.

And most of them were useless, just like I said.

they did not get as much service as they hoped for but they and other
still got service

They got squat. Amateurs were "carrying the freight" for days
down there.

(3) This in no way, shape or form mitigates a single bit of
anything that has occured or continues to occur as it pertains to the
integration of and deployment of Amateur Radio resources for disaster
relief. The FACT remains that the American Red Cross, The Department
of State, the Department of Homeland Defense, The Defense Department,
The Salvation Army, etc etc etc all maintain MOU's, or Memorandum's of
Understanding with the ARRL at the National level and various
organizations at the local levels to provide EMERGENCY communicaitons.

and yet why did Dan make coments along the same lines about ARS
activities during Katrina

One man, one opinion...In neither case does it change FACTS that
Amateur Radio is STILL the option of choice for mobile, immediate,
reliable emergency communications. THAT is established by the
aforementioned MOU's above and the previously mentioned news sources.

Steve, K4YZ