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Old January 5th 06, 10:24 AM posted to
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Default more of stevie confessing to child abuse

On 4 Jan 2006 17:01:28 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
an Old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
No Roses wrote:
Amateur Radio no longer at Rose Parade


I assume then you agree with my comments since you snipped them
without disagreement or other comment.

I can't stop you from assuming anything

But you COULD do something about your grammar and thereby alleviate
much of the confusion.

no I could not

Sure you can.

you seek to be confused

No, I don't.

I can and do point out it merely makes you an ###

No...It only makes me tired in trying to decipher and full of pity
that a "man" pushing 40 can't express himself any better than you do.

another lie


no one is making you do anything

I didn't say anyone was "making" me do anything, Marike.

I simply stated that reading your dreck is tiring. That's true.
I also hold pity for you in that you are almost 40 and still express
yourself like a lazy second grader. That's true also.

therefore by your words you are a child abuser

Nope. YOU continue to misqoute me.

Why do you choose to be deceitful?

Steve, K4YZ