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Old January 5th 06, 02:31 PM posted to
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Default A Bad Week For Leonard

Taking time out from giving his AIDS to an underaged little boy
Raped an Old underaged boyfriend wrote:
N0VFP wrote:
On 2 Jan 2006 16:13:46 -0800,

On 2 Jan 2006 16:03:16 -0800,

I am simply quoting stevie back to him

Because, DUMBASS, I'm not Stevie.

yu are the dumbass not learning what I am talking about first

YOU are the dumbass who doesn't even know what he is talking, make that
gibbering, about.

that "eprson is the feelow in your mirror

BWHAHAHAHAHAHA...Try again, Markie, you complete idiot.
This time in English.

you don't know what you talking about

Want to bet, Markie? Your posts show what a complete ass you are.

I don't have aids so nor anyone else can get aids from me

You DO have AIDS, Markie.

that jerk like you are saying you can is the fualt of Stevie soo as I

Oh, does "Stevie" have credentials as a "voodoo doctor" and has dolls
that make others post about you, Markie?

have said the forgeries are steve handywork wether he typed them or not

Reference above your comment that you don't know what you are talking
about, dumbass.

indeed steve himself says that other are responible for that acts they
inpire, he just lies and denies it when it is his own actions under

Just like you said you abused underage children, Markie. And then later
deny it. Hypocrite.

you has posted that people (todd in that case) are responible for what
they inspire

"You has posted?"..Damn Michigan schools are that bad, are they,

I woul not know having never attened a michigan school

Markie admits to being a dropout.

that is you

No, dumbass, learn to read.

I read fine

Since when?

since you enjoy helping my make my point

Your drug addicted parents helped make the point that is on top of your
soft skull, Markie.

more of steve handiwork wether you are steve or not

That probably makes sense to your drug and alcohol addled brain cell,
Markie, but not to the rest of the world.

You made Whinyslit's point that you are an imbecile.

you mean your point since of course you are Mr Slit

BWHAHAHAHA...wrong again, Markie.

this sort of posting your fault by your own words

Do the world a favor and kill yourself, Markie.

how is that a favor to the wolrd

Goddamn, you proved my point.

what point? that you are stupid

Markie, you are too stupid to even realize how stupid you are.

wrong again

You proved his point, Markie.

Amusing how you think I am importaat enough tom atter to the whole

No, dumbass, We need all the clean air we can get.

poor dumab ass


Oh, the could cut it with a knife.

more lies ironay can't ever be cut by a knife

Markie "Forrest Gump" Morgan fails to understand the concept of
allegory as well as irony.