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Old January 14th 06, 08:53 AM posted to
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Default Measuring filter shape factor

"Once worked??" Many people have visited Germany, where Hilter once
waged world war. Thus anyone who has been to Germany is a Nazi.

You can go to and trace money given directly by Jack
Abramoff. Hopefull this link will do the trick: tState=%28all+states%29&txtZip=&txtEmploy=&txtCand =&txt2006=Y&txt2004=Y&txt2002=Y&Order=N

I see Tom Delay, Ted Stevens, Elizabeth Dole, Arlen Spector, etc.

clifto wrote:
clifto wrote:
David wrote:
On 11 Jan 2006 21:06:53 -0800,
Read Rich Lowrie's latest editorial at National Review Online.

He says the Abramoff scandal is 100% Republicans.

Then he's stupid, or ignorant, or lying. 40 out of 45 Senate Democrats got
money from Abramoff.

There is a difference between getting money from tribes, and getting
money from Abramoff.

You should switch from kool-aid to beer.

It took me all of 120 seconds to find this in the liberal Chicago Tribune:,1,5780990.story?coll=chi-newslocalssouthwest-hed

"Kennedy on Tuesday also explained why Weller used $1,640 of his own money
to reimburse a lobbying firm where Abramoff once worked for a 1999 trip
to two Indian reservations in Louisiana and Mississippi.

"He visited those reservations at the request of former U.S. Rep. David
Funderburk (R-N.C.), and THOUGHT THE TRIBES HAD PAID FOR THE TRIP [emphasis
by clifto], Kennedy said. As soon as he confirmed otherwise, he repaid
the money from his own pocket, he said."

Here's one from liberal rag eeping+lobbyist%E2%80%99s+money&articleId=c0963d8c-692b-47e6-b316-f42c8053aeef

"Top Democrats received donations from scandal-plagued Washington
lobbyist Jack Abramoff?s Indian tribe clients for legitimate reasons
and are right to refuse to give up the money, the state?s Democratic
chairman says."

I bet if I took the time to search further, which I'm not going to bother
doing, I could find *tribal* money going to Democrats via Abramoff in mass

Note that unlike most of the Republicans involved, Kennedy and Reid have
no intention of giving the money back or giving it to charity. They're
keeping it.

If John McCain gets the 2008 Republican Presidential nomination,
my vote for President will be a write-in for Jiang Zemin.