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Old January 22nd 06, 07:12 AM posted to
Eric F. Richards
Posts: n/a
Default Questions - perhaps stupid ones - regarding Polyphaser Protectors

"junius" wrote:

So, in the last specified installation method -- "through-mount[ing]"
w/the grounding screws -- are we basically talking about the same sorta
installation as we would do with a Zap Trapper or Transitrap (i.e.
connecting the grounding wire to the device at the grounding screws)?

Sorry if this is a stupid question; would just like to confirm whether
I've got this right or not, since I'd rather not purchase something
that my present listening location would prevent me from being able to
appropriately install.

Either the Polyphaser or the I.C.E. can be connected to a ground line.

It's just that the quality of the ground line is a huge factor in the
safety of the system. A bulkhead point ground -- called a ground
window -- is the best. Next best is a ground strap. Why? Because
lightning is mostly RF and is subject to "skin effect" -- that is, it
travels mostly on the surface molecules of a conductor. Strap has the
most surface of any kind of wire. A controversial choice is braid,
but I won't go into why here because it's a long diversion. Last is a
simple copper wire to your ground -- in your case, the cold water

Bottom line: Given the same type of ground (in your case, a wire),
the Polyphasers and the I.C.E. will outperform the others.

Go ahead and use an I.C.E. or Polyphaser with a ground wire.


Thanks again,


Eric F. Richards

"Nature abhors a vacuum tube." -- Myron Glass,
often attributed to J. R. Pierce, Bell Labs, c. 1940