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Old January 23rd 06, 02:12 AM posted to
Eric F. Richards
Posts: n/a
Default Questions - perhaps stupid ones - regarding Polyphaser Protectors

Bob Miller wrote:

On Sun, 22 Jan 2006 10:18:23 -0700, Eric F. Richards

Again, this is why commercial sites and broadcasters use Polyphaser,
and are rarely taken off the air by the many strikes their towers

True, but they also have ground systems in place, designed by
engineers and costing tens of thousands. Not many swls or hams (myself
included) are all that expert in installing a foolproof ground setup.

It doesn't take much money. It DOES take a completely anal attention
to detail.

I guarantee you I don't have tens of thousands in my ground system,
but I trust it against a direct strike and have experienced many close
(less than 500 feet) strikes near my home and one direct hit on my
car. All radio gear made it (except the stereo in the car, but it
wasn't behind a Polyphaser).


If an arrestor it is to be, I notice http://www/ has the
ICE arrestors with a device to attach them directly to a ground rod.
(Good place to buy antenna stuff.)



Thanks again,


Eric F. Richards

"Nature abhors a vacuum tube." -- Myron Glass,
often attributed to J. R. Pierce, Bell Labs, c. 1940