Thread: MA5V?
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Old September 11th 03, 04:03 PM
Caveat Lector
Posts: n/a

Agree -- has nothing to do with Amateur Radio and DX -- Please read the
guidelines for the Amateur Radio NG's at URL:
Thanks for your consideration

73 From The Signal In The Noise
Caveat Lector Ya All
"Drink" wrote in message
Could you guys b!tc& at each other via personal e-mail? It's clogging

IP connection. Thanks. Oh yeah, "Buy goods in Florida! Vacation in
Best Regards, /| ,[_____],
Jim, WP3JQ |¯¯¯L --O|||||||O- (in Florida
EM60qk 30.447439N 086.628959W

No I love my country

Ooooh, you love your country! That is so much nobler than all the people
who disagree with you and consequently hate their country.

and don't kiss loosers asses. We have been
attacked and these people are NOT helping us,

It's a question of rational logic: why should anyone help Rumsfeld and
Wolfovitz invade a country that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11,
posed no threat to our national security and had no covert nuclear


instead they hinder us, they are not allies but enemies.

Boo****inghoo, you're getting annoying with this paranoid ****. Why
don't you open your eyes and see what the Neocons are doing to this
country? Americans are dying over there, and for what? It's about time
we had an American lobby in Washington DC.

P.S. How's that search for WMD's going?
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