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Old February 26th 06, 08:27 PM posted to
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Default World-wide 180 meter SSB Contest - TONIGHT

"Carter, K8VT" wrote:

dxAce wrote:

You're incorrect. Grey line propagation means just what it says,
propagation ALONG the grey line.

Let me quote Mr. D once again:

Some authors have stated that gray line propagation always occurs
along the terminator. On the *low bands*, there has been only
occasional proof of such propagation. [my emphasis added]

I'd say he is incorrect with his 'only occasional proof' comment. But once
again, if it is not following the grey line then it is not grey line

Which virtually disputes what you said above.

He goes on to say:

Rather, propagation is through the dark zone, on a path that (in most
cases) is nearly perpendicular to the terminator.

Which is what I experienced--sunrise here, through the dark zone to
Hawaii, which is roughly perpendicular to Michigan.

Of course, and yet again, NOT grey line.

Gray line propagation on the low bands is a *different affair* from
what is often called gray line propagation on the (higher) HF bands,
where the propagation path does follow the direction of the gray
line. [my emphasis added]

This may be where you are getting confused...

The confusion is all yours!

What you experienced was NOT grey line propagation since Hawaii is
not and was not on the grey line.

Read it again, slowly, (and fight that comprehension problem). On the
*low bands*, -it-doesn't-have-to-be -ON- the gray line.

Then it is NOT grey line propagation. Pretty simple. It's then a darkness path,
or a path enhanced by sunrise (or in other cases by sunset).

Well, now let's have a little "Rocket Science 101"---do I believe a
blow-hard know-it-all (that doesn't) or do I believe the world's
foremost low band propagation expert. (Gee, I hate those hard decisions!)


As you're such the expert and have had so much experience on 160 and
spent so much time on the band, please feel free to share *your* 160 DX
contacts with us...and don't forget to tell us the title of *your* book.

Never stated that I had much experience on 160, though I have certainly made
contacts in that band. I'm experienced in low band 2 and 3 MHz SWBC monitoring.
If you wish to talk about 160 meter contacts I suggest as I have before that you
find a suitable amateur radio group!

Oh?... What's that you say?... You can't? Well, sorry then, the smart
money is *still* on Mr. D.

(Damn, really *do* like that dust!)

Once again, if the propagation does not occur ALONG the grey line then it is
NOT grey line propagation. To call it that as you have and as Mr. Devoldere
seems to indicate is simply not precise, correct, or factual.

Get a grip, and try to understand why it's known as grey LINE propagation and
not simply 'grey spot' or 'grey time' propagation.
