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Old April 6th 06, 05:06 PM posted to,
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Default How get RF through a sealed window?

I gave a presentation on "How Ham Radio Can Help You in an Emergency"
to 70 Emergency Management types last week, and the windows in the
building which hosted the meeting were NOT open-able (so I "made do"
with an inside VHF antenna and didn't even try to demonstrate HF).

But in emergency/expedient situations, it would be really handy if one
could pass at HF, say, 100 watts of RF energy through a window (I
visualize some foil strips and an inductor or two to "tune out" the
capacitance) to an external antenna.

I've been told that the April, 1989, issue of Ham Radio magazine carried
an article "Easy antenna access for urban apartment dwellers" (for 15
meters) by Bryan Bergeron, NU1N, starting on page 18.

I'd sure like to read that article; can anyone send me a copy?
--Myron A. Calhoun.
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PhD EE (retired). "Barbershop" tenor. CDL(PTXS). W0PBV. (785) 539-4448
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