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Old May 2nd 06, 12:17 AM posted to
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Default (UPDATE, SHORT) Auto-FAQ Sent to Over 45,000* Posters

Paul W. Schleck wrote:
In .com "an_old_friend" writes:

chraming so you have updated this spam

It's probably time to put out the (UPDATE, LONG) posting at the next
report to the newsgroup. In the meantime, I can at least post my
standard rebuttal to accusations that this project is SPAM.

This project is not SPAM for the following reasons, some of which are
common sense, some of which are legal (based on an informal opinion from
a local lawyer with some expertise in Internet-related law; since this
was just consultation and not a formal client relationship, take with
the appropriate disclaimers).

it is unsolictied not related to the post in the first place spam is
the best fit of the current crop of terms
till a better word for noncomercail bulk is coined spam will do (if you
are aware of a term in general use for private email in reposnse to a
public posting {a break of manners right there} that is generic aand
undirected I am willing listen and consider til then it is psam and
Nowhere did I suhgest it rose to the level of being illegal