Thread: RoomCap Antenna
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Old May 16th 06, 04:58 PM posted to
Tom Donaly
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Default RoomCap Antenna

Felix wrote:

Roy Lewallen Wrote:

Buck wrote:
. . .
If it performs as well as you claim it does, or if it is similar to
the performance of an EH per size,(for example, hypothetically
speaking, a 3 foot antenna performs as well as a 1/2 wave vertical
meter antenna), and if the cost and skill level required for building
the antenna is suitable to me, I might be interested in purchasing
plans for your antenna.
. . .

You must mean, "If it performs as well as the EH antenna claims to
perform." If it can do that, it's miraculous indeed. It's no trick to
make an antenna perform as well as an EH -- a 3 foot high (fat)
performs as well as a 3 foot high EH.

Roy Lewallen, W7EL


QRV with RoomCap antenna on 80m

On May 15th, 2006 I was QRV on 80 m during 1 1/2 hour.
Tcvr: TS-50 (100 W PEP), QRG = 3.770 - 3.787 Mhz
Antenna: RoomCap with 1.66m radiator length
installed on my car. SWR = 1.0
QTH: Peripheral part of city of Basel.

Conditions: The band was weak with a lot of QRN.

Here follows the contacts and the
received signal reports:

20:10 DJ6YF, 59+10, Hans, Bielefeld
20:10 DL3EAI, 59, Reino, Mittetal (nr border to PA)
20:14 DJ6LGB, 58, Peter, Lüneburg
20:17 G4KHM, 57, John, nr. Brighton
20:23 DL1JGG, 58, Renald,Plauen
20:30 DC4HW, 59 Walter, Lauenburg nr Lueneburg
20:33 DG6DAG, 59+10, Otto, Nord-Hessen nr Kassel
20:40 YO4RDW, 57, Romeo, Odfbesei, Rumaenien
20:50 F4AWH, 59, Jean-Luc, nr Besancon
20:55 2E0BOT, 59, John, Stratford UK
21:10 DF9YK, 59, Wolfgang, Mainz
21:11 SP8TDV, 57, Adam, Lublin, Poland
21:13 HB9AQA, 59+10 - +20, Ferdi, nr Lenzburg
21:22 9A4M, 59, Mate, Sisah, Croatia
21:28 G1RVP, 57, Pete, Dereham
21:30 DJ6MM, 59+10, Paul, Eifel
21:38 DK5WN, 59, Thomas nr Erfurt
21:39 SP1DTE 58, Luk Koloberg, Poland
21:40 HB9XJ, 59+10, Hans, Zuerich
21:43 QRT

With best 73s

Felix HB9ABX

Small mobile antennas (in terms of wavelength) aren't generally very
efficient. The above test only shows you can make contacts. It
doesn't address efficiency or field strength in relation to
a similar, but larger antenna. Have you put the plans online
for this thing, or are you just using them to augment your
net worth?
Tom Donaly, KA6RUH