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Old November 30th 04, 04:08 AM
Derek Wills
Posts: n/a

Typically Used In Contests

(sorry, can't reproduce them on my mail system)

Where is this list from? No problem with 0, 1 and 9 but "V"
for 4? Peter said VV was meant to be 33 in the case of EA8ZS
in the recent contest....

I have never heard any of those other abbreviations used in
15+ yrs of CW contesting. I have heard a single "dit" for 5,
as part of "599", when it's unambiguous. And in the ARRL
contest when power is part of the exchange, I've heard 599 000
for a KW (I sometimes reply "fb QRP").

I hope nobody sends these things to me in a contest as a serial
number, other than 0, 1 and 9!

Derek aa5bt (I guess that's 11560, or something...)