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Old July 13th 06, 01:34 PM posted to,,,
Al Klein Al Klein is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 997
Default CW is. Laziness iand therby blaocking modernization in the ARS

On 12 Jul 2006 16:12:12 -0700, "an old freind"

I laugh when you lazy asses whine CW is keeping you from modernizing.

The code requirement isn't stopping anyone from modernizing. Hams don't
want to modernize and won't modernize unless they're forced to modernize.
That's what's stopping the modernization.

and cw usage as well as test promtoes that sort of laziness

Nonsense. Having to do something promotes laziness? Then exercise
promotes sloth and dieting promotes obesity. By your "logic", that